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The student gains qualifications in the form of knowledge, understanding and skills within the following areas:
" knowledge of how to apply cultural theories in analysis;
" Insight into the role of theories in analysis.
" knowledge of how to analyse cultural issues of European relevance;
" understanding of cultural affairs in Europe;
" knowledge of how to analyse cultural arguments in relation to European affairs.
Through working on the subject matters, the student obtains academic and social competences regarding to:
" the ability to deal with cultural topics from a theoretical and analytical perspective;
" the ability to identify and analyse different theoretical positions and judge their analytical potentials;
" the ability to apply theories of culture in analytical work;
" the ability to understand cultural affairs in Europe.
Anbefalet litteratur:
Alan Barnard 2000
History and Theory in Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Heine Andersen & Lars Bo Kaspersen 2000
Classical and Modern Social Theory. Massachusets: Blackwell