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valgafg: Sprog, kommunikation og køn ( efterår 2007 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 1 semester
  • Timer per uge: 3 timer
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: max. 35 deltagere
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9141

Tid og sted

fredag 10-13 i lokale 1410/039


Kursets mål er
- at etablere en videnskabelig tilgang til køns-emner (i modsætning til common sense og stereotypier)
- at etablere en videnskabelig tilgang til spørgsmålet om forholdet mellem sprog og køn med viden om forskningens hovedområder, vigtige forskningsmetoder og interessante resultater.
- Kvinders og mænds sprog
samtalens dynamik
- Sprog om kvinder og mænd
Sprogsystemernes muligheder samt sprogpolitik.


In the Nordic countries women and men have access to the same jobs and functions, and this is reflected (more or less!) both in the way women and men appear in the media, and also in the representation of genders in the media. In non-fiction both genders appear and are represented negotiating positions as politicians, experts, workers, etc.
This course presents theories about gender and communication and linguistic tools for the analysis of how women and men deal linguistically with profession, function and gender, and how they are represented in language. We shall both look at media debates and real life situations, e.g. in politics, the Academy, and the workplace. Other areas to be looked into are young peoples language, sexualities, non-verbal communication, representations of women and men in printed media, and written communication in cyberspace.
A special focus of interest are the linguistic resources for gender-fair representations of women and men in different modern languages with a particular view to the national languages of the participants.
Empirically, the focus is mainly, but not exclusively, countries in Europe with a special emphasis on material from the Nordic countries.

Faglige forudsætninger


Kirsten Gomard

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

seminar engelsk


Litteratur (Kompendium: indholdsfortegnelse).
- Otto Jespersen: The Woman. In: Otto Jespersen: Language. Its nature, origin, and development. Allen & Unwyn. London 1922, pp. 237-254.
- Robin Lakoff: Language and Womans Place. In: Camille Roman (et al., eds.): The Women and Language Debate: A Sourcebook. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey 1994, pp. 280-291. (Reprint from Language and Society 1973.)
- Mette Kunøe & Kirsten Gomard: Gender & language, Nora vol. 9 2001.2, pp. 75-79.
- Candace West & Don H. Zimmermann: Doing Gender. Gender & Society vol. 1 no. 2, June 1987 pp. 125-151.
- Penelope Eckert & Sally McConnell-Ginet: Communities of Practice: Where Language, Gender, and Power All Live. In: Jennifer Coates (ed.): Language and Gender. A Reader, Blackwell 1998 pp. 484-494.
- Kirsten Gomard: Negotiating competence and gender: an analysis of televised political debates in Denmark. In: Kirsten Gomard & Anne Krogstad (eds.): Instead of the Ideal debate. Aarhus University Press 2001, pp. 60-96.
- Anne Krogstad & Kirsten Gomard: Doing politics, doing gender, doing power. In: Fredrik Engelstad (ed.): Comparative Studies of Culture and Power. Comparative Social Research. Vol. 21. Elsevier. London etc. 2003, pp. 9-28. 
- Helga Kotthoff: The Interactional Achievement of Expert Status: Creating Asymmetries by teaching Conversational Lectures in TV-Discussions. In: Working Papers on Language, Gender, and Sexism. Vol. 5, no. 1. 1995, pp. 27-63.
- Norman Fairclough: Language and Power, Longman, London and New York 1989, cpt. 2: Discourse as Social Practice pp. 17- 42.
- Deborah Cameron m. fl.: Lakoff in Context. In: Jennifer Coates & Deborah Cameron (eds.): Women in their Speech Communities, Longman 1989/1990, pp. 74-94.
- Don H. Zimmermann and Candace West: Sex Roles. Interruptions and Silences in Conversation. In: Barrie Thorne & Nancy Henley (eds.): Language and Sex. Difference and Dominance. Rowley, Mass. 1975 pp. 105-129.
- Penelope Brown and Stephen C. Levinson: Politeness. Some Universals in Language Use. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge etc., (1974) 1987, pp.61-62 and 65-71.
- Guidelines for equal treatment of the sexes in McGraw Hill Book Company publications. In: Marlis Hellinger: Kontrastive feministische Linguistik. Ismaning 1990 pp. 140-152.
- Kirsten Gomard & Mette Kunøe: Equal before the law unequal in language. In Marlis Hellinger & Hadumod Bussmann (eds.) Gender across languages. The linguistic representation of women and men. Vol. 3 John Benjamins, Amsterdam & Philadelphia 2003 pp. 59-85.
- Mykol C. Hamilton: The Huwom race: Sexist language as a tool of dominance. I: Braun & Pasero (red.): Kommunikation von Geschlecht. Centaurus, Pfaffenweiler 1997 pp. 147-163.
- Feminism & Psychology vol. 12.3. 2002. Special feature: Body Politics: Power, Sex and Nonverbal Communication: Nancy M. Henley pp. 295-310 and Hale Bolak Boratav pp. 311-318.
- Nancy M. Henley: Body Politics, Simon & Schuster 1977, p. 181, table 5.
- The Role of the Mass Media in the (Re)Distribution of Power:
Denmark: Ulrike Moustgaard: The Handbag, the Witch, and the Blue-Eyed Blonds 2004, 62 pages. http://www.medijuprojekts.lv/uploaded_files/1_Denmark_ResReport_ENG.pdf
Latvia: Center for Gender Studies, The University of Latvia, 2004, 64 pages.
- Astrida Neimane: Simply Noting Discrimination Against Women is No Longer Sufficient, 2005, 4 p.) http://www.policy.lv/index.php?id=102930&lang=en
- Penelope Eckert & Sally McConnell-Ginet: Constructing Meaning, Constructing Selves. Snapshots of Language, gender, and Class for Belten High. In: Kira Hall & Mary Buchholtz (eds.): Gender articulated. Language and the socially constructed self. New York and London: Routledge 1995, pp. 469-507.
- Michael Meuser: Serious Games. Competition and the Homosocial Construction of Masculinity (unpublished Manuscript 2006 by the permission of the author, 12 p.)
- Jane Maree Maher & Andrew Singleton: I wonder what hes saying: Investigating domestic discourse in young cohabitating heterosexual couples. In: Gender Issues. Winter 2003 pp.59-77.
- Deborah Cameron & Don Kulick: Language and sexuality. Cambridge University Press 2003. Chapter 4: Sexuality and identity. Gay and lesbian language. pp. 74-105.
- Paul McIlvenny: Normalising gender/sex/sexuality in new media. In: Inge  Lise Pedersen & Jann Scheuer (eds.): Sprog, køn og kommunikation. Reitzel, København, pp. 19-33.
- Ole Johnsen: Hes my sister! Gender inversion in gay mens speech. In: Kerstin Nordenstam & Kerstin Norén (eds.): Språk, kön och kultur. Rapport från fjärde nordiska konferensen om språk och kön. Institutionen för svenska språket, Göteborgs Universitet 2001, pp. 133-141
- Anna Bredström: Love in another country race, gender and sexuality in sexual education material targeting migrants in Sweden. In Sexualities vol. 8, 2005, pp. 517-535.
- Paul Peace: Balancing Power: The Discursive Maintenance of Gender Inequality by Wo/Men at University. In: Feminism & Psychology. Vol. 13.2, pp. 159-180.
- Kirsten Gomard: How to position oneself as a scholar: female and male Ph.D.-students in the humanities and chemistry at a university in Denmark. In: Kevin Mc Cafferty, Tove Bull & Kristin Killie (eds.): Contexts Historical, Social, Linguistic. Studies in celebration of Toril Swan. Peter Lang 2005. pp. 89-106.
- Deborah Cameron: Language, Gender & Globalization. In Kerstin Nordenstam & Kerstin Norén (eds.): Språk, kön och kultur. Rapport från fjärde nordiska konferensen om språk och kön. Göteborg den 6-7 oktober 2000. Institutionen för svenska språket. Göteborgs Universitet 2001, pp. 1-17.
- Lesley Stirling: Language and Gender in Australian Newspapers. In: Anne Pauwels (ed.). Women and Language in Australian and New Zealand Society, Australian Professional Publications, Sydney 1987, pp. 108-128.
- Katy Day, Brendan Gough & Majella McFadden: Warning! Alcohol can seriously damage your feminine health. A discourse analysis of recent British newspaper coverage of women and drinking. In: Feminist Media Studies vol. 4., no. 2, 2004, pp. 165-183.
- Mary Crawford: Mars and Venus collide: A discursive analysis of marital self-help psychology. In:  Feminism & Psychology. Vol. 14.1 2004, pp. 63-79.
- Lindsy van Gelder: The Strange Case of the Electronic Lover. In: Rob Kling (ed.): Computerization and Controversy. 2nd. Ed. San Diego: Academic Press 1996, pp. 533-546.
- Susan C. Herring: Computer-mediated communication and womans place. In: Mary Buchholtz (ed.): Robin T. Lakoff: Language and womans place. Text and commentaries. Oxford University Press 2004. pp. 216-222.
- Janne C.H. Bromseth: Construction of and negotiations on interaction norms and gender on electronic discussion lists in Norway. In: Nora no. 2, 2001, pp. 80-88.
- Jenny Sundén: Im still not sure shes a she. Textual talk and typed bodies in online interaction. In: Paul McIlvenny (ed.): Talking Gender and Sexuality. John Benjamin: Amsterdam/Philadelphia 2002, pp. 289-312.
- Susan C. Herring, Inna Kouper, Lois Ann Scheidt & Elijah L. Wright: Women and children last: The discursive construction of weblogs + comments. 2004, 17 s.



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