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Femtosecond studies of atoms, molecules, liquids, and solids ( efterår 2007 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Overbygningskursus
  • Semester/kvarter: 2nd quarter
  • Timer per uge:
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 5939


The femtosecond time-scale is relevant for a number of fundamental processes in physics, chemistry and biology. This time scale is now accessible to experiments through the advent of short-pulse lasers. The aim is to provide the students with an understanding of the possibilities of femtosecond time-resolved investigations.

Obligatorisk program

The student is expected to participate actively in the problem-solving classes.


In the course, we will teach the basic properties of femtosecond lasers on a level that allows for an understanding of experiments. The main focus of the course is on the application of femtosecond time-resolved techniques in physics and chemistry. Through a number of examples, picked to represent a reasonably broad scope of methods and fields, we will learn about the complimentary kind of information that time-resolved studies can provide.


At the end of the course, the student should be able to:

  • Explain the principle of fs pump-probe spectroscopy.
  • Explain and perform simple calculations on the propagation of ultrashort laser pulses in dispersive media. 
  • Explain the principles of mode-locking and describe specific mode-locking techniques. 
  • Describe different methods for amplification and wavelength conversion of femtosecond pulses and perform simple calculations in relation to these phenomena.
  • Explain strong laser field phenomena and their origin using the 3-step model.
  • Explain how moderately intense laser pulses can be used to control the spatial orientation of molecules.
  • Describe what an attosecond pulse is and explain how it is generated. 
  • Describe ultrafast electronic and molecular processes on metal surfaces and explain their physical origin and different experimental approaches to their measurements. 
  • Describe the properties of machining with ultrashort laser pulses and explain the physical origin of these. 
  • Put into perspective the similarities and differences between different ultrafast time-resolved experimental methods.

Faglige forudsætninger

Some basic knowledge of lasers, for instance corresponding to "Ak.9 Laserkemi" or "Laserfysik (Bf.25)".


Peter Balling (Physics) and Henrik Stapelfeldt (Chemistry).

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

4 (or 3) hours of lectures and 3 (or 4) hours of problem solving per week. The two elements are closely connected and the relative weight will depend on the subject currently being taught. High priority is given to the student presentations at the end of the course. English


C. Rulliere (Ed.), "Femtosecond Laser pulses: Principles and experiments, 2. ed." (Springer-Verlag 2005) and notes.


C. Rulliere (Ed.), "Femtosecond Laser pulses: Principles and experiments, 2. ed." (Springer-Verlag 2005) and notes.




Eksamen: 2. kvarter

Reeksamen: Efter aftale med faglærer


Institut for Fysik og Astronomi

Tilmelding til undervisning

Tilmelding på Institut for Fysik og Astronomi


The evaluation is based on small written exercises through the course and the 20-25 minute oral presentation on an assigned subject in the evaluation period following the course. The presentation is given in front of the class. Grading according to the Danish grading scale (the 7-point scale).