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Kina-studier: Historie: emneområde, BA ( efterår 2007 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: BA
  • Semester/kvarter: 1
  • Timer per uge: 2
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: Nej
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 8925



"Treaty Ports" and Sino-Foreign Interaction in 19 th Century China

Following the Nanjing Treaty of 1842 and the opening of five "treaty ports", Sino-foreign interaction increased and was shaped by semi-colonial conditions within defined geographical spheres. Notwithstanding treaty revisions, various conflicts and even war, the treaty ports flourished, often also to the benefit of their Chinese inhabitants. The seminar discusses examples of dissent and cooperation, before concentrating on the cities Canton , Shanghai , Hankow and Hong Kong . The treaty port system will be analyzed from the perspectives of imperialism, (semi-)colonialism, and modernism. In addition, we shall focus on networks and certain individuals, in order to develop a broader picture of Sino-foreign interaction during the 19 th century.


1. Introduction: Overview, Literature and Methodology.

2. The Opium War: History and Presence

3. Teaching Lessons: The 1860s

4. Tianjin : The Massacre of 1870        

5. Schools, Missionaries and Education

6. Newspapers and the Press

7. Trade, Customs and the "likin"

8. Canton

9. Shanghai

10. Hankow

11. Hongkong

12. Summary, Discussion and further Questions.


Faglige forudsætninger


Andreas Steen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform



Bickers, Robert und Henriot, Christian 2000 (eds.): New Frontiers. Imperialism's New Communities in East Asia, 1842-1953, Manchester / New York .

Carroll, John M., Edge of Empires: Chinese Elites and British Colonials in Hong Kong, Harvard Univ. Press 2005.

Cheong, Weng Eang, The Hong Merchants of Canton . Chinese Merchants in Sino-Western Trade, Richmond : Curzon Press 1997.

Fairbank, John King, Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast : The Opening of the Treaty Ports 1842-1854, Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press 1953.

Johnson, Linda Cook, Shanghai . From Market Town to Treaty Port, 1074-1858, Stanford Univ. Press 1995.

Lu Hanchao, Beyond the Neon Lights. Everyday Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century, Berkeley : Univ. of   California 1999.

Reed, Christopher A., Gutenberg in Shanghai . Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876-1937, Vancouver : University of British Columbia 2004.

Rowe, William T., Hankow (II): Conflict and Community in a Chinese City , 1796-1895, Stanford , Calif. : Stanford Univ. Press 1989.

Tsai, Jung-Fang, Hong Kong in Chinese History: Community and Social Unrest in the British Colony, 1842-1913, Columbia Univ. Press 1995.


Li Yumin , Ñã- s û?» , Beijing 2006, 480p.



Further reading:

Barlow, Tani E. (ed.): Formations of Colonial Modernity in East Asia , Durham/London: Duke Univ. Press 1997.

Cohen, Paul A., China and Christianity: The Missionary Movement and the Growth of Chinese Anti-Foreignism, 1860-1870, Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1963.

Cohen, Paul A., Discovering History in China , New York 1984.

Eitel, Ernest John, The History of Hong Kong . From the Beginning to the Year 1882, reprint Taipei 1968.

Elder, Christopher John, China' s Treaty Ports: Half Love and Half Hate. An Anthology, Hongkong: Oxford Univ. Press 1999.

Esherick, Joseph W., Remaking the Chinese City . Modernity and National Identity, 19001950, Honolulu 2000.

Fairbank, John King , China . A New History, Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press 1990.

Gelber, Gregor Harry, Opium, Soldiers and Evangelicals: Britain' s 1840-42 war with China , and its Aftermath, Basingstoke , Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan 2004.

Gray, Jack, Rebellions and Revolutions. China from the 1800s to the 1980s, London / New York 1990.

Hayes, James Y., The Hong Kong Region, 1850 to 1911: Institutions and Leadership in Town and Countryside, North Haven : Shoe string Press 1977.

Mayers, William Frederick, The Treaty Ports of China and Japan: A complete guide to the open ports of those countries, together with Peking, Yedo, Hongkong and Macao; forming a guide book & vade mecum for travellers, merchants, and residents in general, London 1867, Repr. San Francisco : Chinese Materials Center 1977.

Murphey, Roads, The Treaty Ports and China' s Modernization: What went Wrong?, Ann Arbor : Univ. of   Michigan 1970.

Rowe, William T., Hankow (I): Commerce and Society in a Chinese City , 1796-1889, Stanford , Calif. : Stanford Univ. Press 1984.

Spence, Jonathan D.: The Search for Modern China , Hutchinson 1990.

Tsang, Steve Yui-Sang, A Modern History of Hong Kong , 1841-1997, New York/London: I B Tauris & Co. 2004.

Van Dyke, Paul A., The Canton Trade. Life and Enterprise on the China Coast , 1700-1845, Hong Kong : Hong Kong Univ. Press 2005.

Wagner, Rudolf 1995: The Role of the Foreign Community in the Chinese Public Sphere, in: The China Quarterly 142, 423-443

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