[Forside] [Hovedområder] [Perioder] [Udannelser] [Alle kurser på en side]
- at den studerende kan dokumentere et
overordnet kendskab til fagets perioder, stilarter, typologi og klassifikation
- har kendskab til dateringskriterier
- evner at anvende metoder inden for beskrivelse, monumentanalyse og informationssøgning.
At the end of this course students will have:
- acquired basic knowledge of Greek and Roman archaeology, including chronological periods
- basic skills in classifying objects through a number of methods and ability to date a specific object
Disciplinen giver en generel introduktion til hovedmonumenterne inden for den græske og italisk-romerske arkæologi i perioden fra ca.
Delfi og Olympia, Rom, Pompeji og Ostia.
The course provides a general introduction to Greek and Roman archaeology from c. 1000 BC to the end of the reign of Constantine the Great. Major topics will be methods, including chronology, typology and style analysis. Particular attention will be paid to important sites such as
Litteratur, græsk arkæologi
W.R. Biers,
Art, Artefacts, and Chronology in C
lassical Archaeology
L. Hannestad, Absolute chronology.
J. Whitley,
The Archaeology of Ancient Greece
, Cambridge 2001, kap. 2
J.G. Pedley,
Greek Art and Archaeology
, Michigan 2002 (3
J. Whitley,
The Archaeology of Ancient
J. Boardman,
The Greeks Overseas
J.N. Coldstream,
Chr. G. Tortzen,
Antik Mytologi
, København 2004
Topografi, Skulptur og Keramik
U. Knigge,
The Athenian Kerameikos
, Athen 1991
J.M. Camp,
The Athenian Agora
J. Boardman,
Greek Sculpture-Archaic Period
J. Boardman,
Greek Sculpture-Classical Period
J. Boardman,
Greek Sculpture-Late Classical Period
J. Boardman,
Early Greek Vase Painting
G. Gruben,
Griechische Tempel und Heiligtümer
, München 2001
R.M. Cook,
Greek Painted Pottery
B.A. Sparks,
Greek Pottery, An Introduction
Litteratur til romersk
Ramage & Ramage,
Roman Art
, 4
Ed., London 2005
N. Hannestad:
Roman Art and Imperial Policy
Ward-Perkins, J.B.:
Roman Imperial Architecture
Haynes, S.: Etruscan Civilization , London 2000, s. 1-45