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Sprog og samfund og Anvendt Lingvistik: sprogtest ( efterår 2007 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: KA
  • Semester/kvarter: 1
  • Timer per uge: 3 timer/uge. Ialt 7 gange.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: Ingen
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9198


Ved bedømmelse lægges vægt på i hvilket omfang den studerende kan vise analysefærdigheder i forhold til sproglige strukturer og sprogbrugs­situationer

  • vise at vedkommende kan anvende dem i praktiske situationer
  • vise kendskab til relevante teorier og metoder
  • vise hvordan man anvender teorier og metoder


In Europe and beyond, a growing number of tests are used that determine the lives of individuals. Politicians stress the need for language tests for both children and adults. Many of these tests have a linguistic component. This course will focus on different aspects of linguistic testing and their consequences for societies and individuals.
In Denmark , school children are tested as to their ability to start school in Danish, or whether they have to attend a special class in stead. Children with language disorders and adults with aphasia are diagnosed on the basis of tests, and choice of therapy is based on the test results. Immigrants in languages schools are tested with regard to their progress in the acquisition of the language of their new residence. Refugees and immigrants can be confronted with two types of tests: first, they may be tested in the language(s) they speak, so that authorities can control their stories about their origin and their reasons for seeking asylum, and second, in some countries governments demand knowledge of the language of their new country before admitting them. Decisions based on the results of such tests are crucial for the lives - and sometimes deaths - of individuals. In some areas, specialized institutions provide such tests, sometimes connected to universities, sometimes as commercial enterprises. In the realm of neurological language disorders, most tests are based on English language tests, and the translated version do not always turn out to be well thought through.

Faglige forudsætninger


Peter Bakker

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

This course is research-based, and demands active participation of the students. In this course, we will investigate methodology, scope, reliability and effectiveness of tests. Depending on the needs and demands, we will probably focus on specific areas (e.g. language testing of asylum seekers, tests for language disorders, tests for second language levels).
Lectures, research, students oral presentations, discussions


(1) McNamara, Tim. 2000. Language Testing. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
(2) Bachman, Lyle F. & Adrian S. Palmer. 1996. Language Testing in Practice.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
and additional litterature / og flere artikler og kapitler


Eksamen kan afvikles på to måder:

  • En skriftlig opgave på max. 20 sider  om et emne relateret til disciplinen
  • Et konkret produkt, eller en synopsis til produktet, f.eks en ordbog, en sprogplan, et udstillingsforslag

Emnet aftales i samråd med vejleder. Både opgaven og projektet kan laves i samarbejde med andre studerende, dog således at alle dele af opgaven, undtagen problemformulering og konklusion, kan gøres til genstand for individuel bedømmelse. Max. 3 studerende i gruppen.