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ENG: Kandidatemne: Missings and Captures - Searching in Twentieth Century Fiction (ka) ( efterår 2007 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 1. og 3. semester
  • Timer per uge: 2
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 16
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9631


Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende

  demonstrerer kendskab til emnet og de relevante tekster, teorier og problemstillinger.

  demonstrerer færdighed i litteratursøgning, selektion og disponering af et givet stofområde.

  bruger relevante fagbegreber, -teorier og -terminologier.

  anvender relevante analytiske metoder.

  giver en teoretisk reflekteret analyse af afgrænsede problemer.

  reflekterer over den anvendte teoris videnskabsteoretiske eller videnskabshistoriske egenart.

   forholder sig vurderende til den anvendte teori.


Many characters inhabiting twentieth century literature are marred by a sense of dislocation and perdition. Characters are missing, looking, baffled and confused. This course considers a series of responses to this dislocation and sense of disorientation, and it reads a series of texts which describe different attempts to track, trace, capture and contain something or someone missing, lost or out of reach.


The four main texts of the course as listed below mark the beginning and the end of the twentieth century, and we will explore the years in between by means of a series of other, shorter stories. Conrad's text sets the stage for the twentieth century search - for meaning, purpose and direction, allegorically embodied by the mysterious and elusive Kurtz. The story epitomizes the frustrated gesture of mapping as characteristic of the early part of the century. Chevalier's much more recent novel explores a different type of capture, namely the artistic one, as it tells the story of the coming into being of Vermeer's famous painting of the mysterious girl with a pearl earring. In other words, Chevalier's story describes translation as capture, as Vermeer tries to pinpoint an object of desire by re-presenting it. Foer's novel rearticulates the motif of the actual journey of discovery, as it tells its intermingled stories of history, origin, family and identity. Conrad's text goes away. Foer's back, retracing its steps and past. And finally, Auster's most recent novel translates the motifs of the search and the quest for capture into the realm of text and textuality. His novel emerges as a gradually growing literary portrait of the pursuit of both narrators and characters, who are lost, displaced and arrested.

Faglige forudsætninger


Jens Fredslund

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Undervisningen i disciplinen foregår på hold, og der lægges vægt på arbejdsformer, der kan omfatte læsning af primær- og sekundærtekster, mundtlige bidrag fra de studerende, holddiskussioner samt gruppearbejde.



You are responsible for getting hold of the four texts below (which will hopefully also be available from Stakbogladen in time), and I will then, in return, provide a course compendium of the remaining texts of the course. This compendium will be available from Stakbogladen by late August.


·         Joseph Conrad: Heart of Darkness (1899)

·         Tracy Chevalier: Girl with a Pearl Earring (1999)

·         Jonathan Safran Foer: Everything is Illuminated (2002)

·         Paul Auster: Travels in the Scriptorium (2006)


Mundtlig eller skriftlig eller hjemmeopgave eller formidling eller aktiv, tilfredsstillende deltagelse i undervisningen.

Udvalget af eksamensformer afhænger af, hvilken kandidatlinie den studerende følger.