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ENG: Kandidatemne: Quests for the Holy Grail - from the Middle Ages to Dan Brown (ka) ( efterår 2007 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 1. og 3. semester
  • Timer per uge: 2
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 16
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9636


Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende

  demonstrerer kendskab til emnet og de relevante tekster, teorier og problemstillinger.

  demonstrerer færdighed i litteratursøgning, selektion og disponering af et givet stofområde.

  bruger relevante fagbegreber, -teorier og -terminologier.

  anvender relevante analytiske metoder.

  giver en teoretisk reflekteret analyse af afgrænsede problemer.

  reflekterer over den anvendte teoris videnskabsteoretiske eller videnskabshistoriske egenart.

   forholder sig vurderende til den anvendte teori.


The legend of the Holy Grail   - referring to the chalice of the Eucharist and/or the cup that received Christ's blood at the Crucifixion - is also related to older, pre-Christian or non-Christian (pagan) traditions.   Thus John Matthews in The Grail : Quest for the Eternal (1981)   links up the Grail with Celtic lore, e.g.   with the narrative of   the Welsh   goddess   Ceridwen, whose servant Gwion Bach, while   he   was   stirring   her   magical cauldron, "tasted three drops that fell on   his hand", and   subsequently (after a   series of   metamorphoses) became Taliesin , "Chief   Bard   of the Island of Britain" (p.   10). According to Matthews, "[i]t is possible to see behind the story of Taliesin echoes of a mystery   religion   in which a sacred vessel played an important part" (p.   10)   - and   incidentally, Talies(s)in resurfaces as a character (a postman (!)) in Leonora Carrington's surrealist fantasy The Hearing Trumpet .   The Grail   likewise makes its appearance in various versions   of a mystical or "occult" feminism , where the Holy Grail   embodies   "a   spiritual   goal   representing   inner   wholeness,   union   with the divine, and self-fulfillment" (Whitney Chadwick: Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement , 1985, p. 215).   However this may be, quests for the Holy Grail abound within (and   in particular on the outskirts   of) the Western Canon   (there   are obvious links to heterodox or heretical   groups and traditions).   I.e.   we   come   across   these texts   right   from the High Middle Ages to the beginning of the twenty-first century (cf.   e.g.   Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code ).   We   shall take   up   a   wide   range of texts and films   - including various parodic approaches to the quest, such as H.P. Lovecraft's Eliotesque "Waste Paper" and the hilarious Monty Python and the Holy Grail (!).

Faglige forudsætninger


Ib Johansen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Undervisningen i disciplinen foregår på hold, og der lægges vægt på arbejdsformer, der kan omfatte læsning af primær- og sekundærtekster, mundtlige bidrag fra de studerende, holddiskussioner samt gruppearbejde.



Primary sources:


Anon.: The Quest of the Holy Grail (Penguin Classics).

Thomas Malory: The Noble Tale of the Sangreal (excerpts).

The Tale of Taliesin (pamphlet, re-narrated   by Jennifer Cochrane).

The History of   That Holy Disciple Joseph of Arimathea (pamphlet)

Alfred Tennyson: "Sir Galahad" (poem) and "The Holy Grail" (poem, from: Idylls of the King ).

Richard Wagner: "The Legend of the Grail" ("In distant land...", aria, from: Lohengrin ).

Dante Gabriel Rossetti: "God's Graal" (poem).

Arthur Machen: "The Great Return" (story)

T.S. Eliot: "The Waste Land " (poem, Norton).

H.P. Lovecraft: "Waste Paper" (poem).

Nathanael West: "The Adventurer" (story).

Remedios Varo: "Exploration of the Sources of the Orinoco River " (painting, reproduction) and "Born Again" (painting, reproduction).

Leonora Carrington: The Hearing Trumpet (Penguin).

Dan Brown: The Da Vinci Code (Corgi).

Kate Mosse: Labyrinth (Orion Books).

Terry Gilliam:    Monty Python and the Holy Grail (film).

Terry Gilliam: The Fisher King (film).

Steven Spielberg: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film).

Ron Howard: The Da Vinci Code (film).

NB.   Quite a few of the texts   mentioned   above   are available   on the internet, cf. e.g. The Camelot Project at the University of Rochester ).



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