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E MMI1 Man Machine Interaction (CU2006) ( efterår 2008 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk (eller dansk)
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 5 th Semester - elective
  • Timer per uge: 13 hours in total. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 8110


The objective of this course is to broaden and deepen previously acquired knowledge and skills and generally to provide the students with hands-on experience concerning interaction design and usability methods.


The content of the course is to let the students learn about the following subjects:


· Selected data-gathering and design-informing/focusing methods

· Selected design-relevant subjects, including psychological aspects connected with - and interface characteristics influencing - the user's interaction with technology.

· Selected expert- and user evaluation methods.

Personal development

The course will mainly focus on development of commitment, work methods, creativity and responsibility for one's own learning

Faglige forudsætninger

The student must have passed the IAD1 and IAD2 courses on 3 rd and 4 th Semester.


Janne Flanding

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

This course is a combination of the following:



Class discussion/Presentations

Case-/problem oriented teaching

Group work


Matching the student group - English and/or Danish.


See "Required/recommended reading"

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Lectures 10 %


Class discussion/Presentations 10 %


Case-/problem oriented teaching 20 %


Group work 20 %


Self-study 10 %


Preparation for the course 30 %

Required/recommended reading

Not decided yet. A guiding syllabus will be handed out.

IT skills

The student must have IT-skills in Flash at a level sufficient for illustration of design and development of interactive prototypes. Alternatively these IT-skills must be obtained on a concurrent course.

Requirements for passing an examination

Approved/Not approved.

Criteria for achieving objectives

The student must

· be able to use and test selected data-gathering and design informing/-focusing methods, including giving an account for proper choice of method(s).

· have an understanding of and be able to explain and describe in own words the course subjects in general, including

o giving an account for decisions taken in case-work concerning usability- and user experience goals & seen in relation to the defined end-user group(s)

o giving an account for considerations and decisions taken with regard to specific interface- and interaction design & seen in relation to the needs of end-user(s)

· be able to use and test selected expert- and user evaluation methods, including giving an account for proper choice of method(s) and evaluation results obtained.


Approved active course participation. In addition, a number of home assignments must be handed in and approved during the course.