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Fredage kl. 10-13
Bygn: 1465 Lok: 616
Første gang: 5. september 2008
Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende
- er i stand til at bearbejde og vurdere afgrænsede filosofiske argumenter, tekster og positioner
- demonstrerer overblik og sans for sammenhængene i en kompleks faglig diskussion
- udviser en dybtgående forståelse af det filosofiske emne
- er i stand til at forbinde en filosofisk position med dens baggrundsantagelser, fortolkningsmuligheder og -problemer
Hermeneutics was originally understood as the art of (textual) interpretation ( ars hermeneutica ) but has grown to signify a much broader current within contemporary thinking, a current loosely united by the insistence on the historical and linguistic nature of human existence and experience. The objects of hermeneutics are the understanding relations between man, language, and history. In this way hermeneutics is, as one of the ways in which man comes to understand himself, part of its own object. The hermeneutical thinker does not seek to dismantle, avoid or reduce this peculiar circularity, but to 'plunge right in', to keep the circle moving, as this seems to be the only way for a proper understanding to unfold itself.
In this seminar, we will plunge right into hermeneutics. While beginning with a historical and general introduction to the field of hermeneutics, our main focus will be on contemporary hermeneutical thinking (Heidegger, Gadamer, Ricoeur, Derrida, and Vattimo) and the originary preliminaries to such a thinking (Dilthey and Nietzsche). In this way, the object of the seminar is dual: on the one hand, we will be introduced to the general tradition of hermeneutical thinking; on the other, we will try to understand the broadening of hermeneutics into a central, maybe even the central, current in contemporary thought.
The seminar will be based on and encourage the active participation of students. Carefully, we will read difficult philosophical texts and get our hands dirty trying to understand and discuss the views propounded. Apart from the general insight into the hermeneutical tradition, the seminar will thus stimulate the development of several related competences: reading, interpretation, and understanding of philosophical texts; presentation and discussion of various philosophical views or positions; participation in an ongoing philosophical debate of interdisciplinary relevance. Other than the will to contribute actively, there are no special requirements for participation and students from a wide variety of disciplines are encouraged to join the seminar.
More information can be obtained by email: filjun@hum.au.dk
Thomas Schwarz Wentzer og Jon Utoft Nielsen
Undervisningen tager udgangspunkt i udvalgte tekster og udformer sig typisk som en af faglæreren ledet workshop, hvor lærer og studerende forbereder oplæg og deltager i diskussioner.
Most texts will be available on AULA at the beginning of the term. A detailed reading list will be presented at the first seminar meeting.
Suggested background reading:
Grondin, Jean: Introduction to Philosophical Hermeneutics , 1994, Yale University Press.
Disciplinprøve 1 =
Bunden skriftlig opgave. Omfang maks. 15 sider
Nærmere bestemmelser
Under forudsætning af undervisningsdeltagelse består prøven af tre bundne essays på maks. 5 sider, der udarbejdes og besvares i løbet af semestret.
De to opgaver samles i en portefølge, der indleveres til samlet bedømmelse.
Ved undervisningsdeltagelse forstås aktiv deltagelse i mindst 75% af den udbudte undervisning i et af studienævnet godkendt Disciplin Kursus
Disciplinprøve 2 =
Bunden skriftlig opgave. Omfang maks. 15 sider
Nærmere bestemmelser
Under forudsætning af undervisningsdeltagelse består prøven af tre bundne essays på maks. 5 sider, der udarbejdes og besvares i løbet af semestret.
De tre opgaver samles i en portefølge, der indleveres til samlet bedømmelse.
Ved undervisningsdeltagelse forstås aktiv deltagelse i mindst 75% af den udbudte undervisning i et af studienævnet godkendt Disciplin Kursus. Den valgte disciplin skal være forskellig fra den i disciplinprove 1 valgte disciplin.