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AU kursuskatalog arkiv

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Landskabsøkologi og biodiversitet ( efterår 2008 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Graduate course, semi-obligatory (theme block)
  • Semester/kvarter: 1st semester / 1st and 2nd quarter, including a one-week botanical field-course in August.
  • Timer per uge: 2x 3 hours lectures and exercises per week, a one-week botanical field-course in august
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 24.
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 11982


The aim of the course is to give the students a comprehensive knowledge about the ecology, natural geography and biodiversity of agricultural landscapes, and an introduction to the European and American schools of landscape ecology. You will be able to use scientific methods for biodiversity and landscape assessment, both in theory and in practice (study trips and excursions), to identify the multiple functions of landscapes, and effects of changes in the landscape pattern.


After the completion of the course you are capable to:

  • Apply methods for biodiversity assessment in a Danish landscape
  • Integrate different concerns and views in an overall sustainability assessment of a concrete landscape in Denmark.
  • Demonstrate overview over central elements of landscape ecological theory, including interactions between landscape functions, landscape development, biodiversity, and the natural geography.
  • Co-operate in cross-disciplinary project groups, taking into account different views and expertises in an overall landscape assessment.


To facilitate interdisciplinary and practice-based learning, an important part of the course will be field trips and excursions; including a one week introductory field trip to the landscape around Mols Laboratoriet. On the basis of this landscape and selected examples from other landscapes, the course will include:

  • Biodiversity assessment in practice, and introduction to the EU Habitats Directive
  • An introduction to: 1) Landscape attributes (geology, terrain, hydrology, landcover and the technosphere), 2) Landscape patterns and structures, 3) landscape function (fluxes of energy, matter and genes. Isolation/contact. Multifunctional landscapes. Interactions between agriculture and nature), 4) Structure-functions interrelationships, and 5) Landscape dynamics (causes behind changes, stability, resistance and resilience).
  • An introduction to advanced methods for spatial analyses of landscape development, modelling and impact assessment.

Faglige forudsætninger

  • Basic and practical knowledge on how to utilise GIS (for example from the AU GIS-course for biologists, or from the Agriculture and Environment course included in The AU-DJF Bachelor education in Agricultural Sciences).
  • Basic skills in zoology, plant morphology, and plant identification skills to at least family level (for example from a bachelor in biology or from The AU-DJF Bachelor education in Agricultural Sciences.


Course managers: Tommy Dalgaard, head of research unit, AU-DJF, and Anders Barfod, associate professor, AU-Biology. The teaching will be conducted by experts on the individual areas, and in close collaboration with NERI (DMU).

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course is based on a number of field-trips, excursions, and a botanical short-field-course (in August). Lectures, seminars, and problem-based exercises, relate to practical examples from the study landscape chosen (probably around Kalø in Djursland).

English/Danish, depending on international participation.


Original literature and data from cases. Dansk Flora by Frederiksen et al. is obligatory literature.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i jordbrug, natur og miljø

  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Oral examination based on the curriculum (weighting two thirds) and on the project report (weighting one third), which will be assesed jointly using the Danish 7-grade scale. The examination lasts 30 minutes. Students may choose to be examined in either Danish or English. Internal examiner. Internal examiner.