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To understand the basic mechanism of chemicals inducing adverse health effects in man, and how to integrate this information into methods to determine the risk associate with exposure to chemicals. The key objective is to understand to live safely in a chemical world.
This course is part of the subject package 'Human Biology' for students at the master level.
Introduction to the general principle of toxicology, toxico-kinetics with the focus on susceptible populations. Another focus area is risk assessments - hazard identification, exposure assessment and risk characterisation. Methods for hazard identification, environmental epidemiology and experimental systems will be introduced. The role of chemicals in the development of major human diseases or health problems will be presented, cancer, reproduction, allergy and asthma with a strong emphasis on gene-environment interaction. Case studies on actual risk assessment cases will be discussed.
Når kurset er færdigt forventes den studerende at kunne:
Responsible teacher
Name: Herman Autrup
University Address: Institute of Public Health, Vennelyst Boulevard 6, Bldg 1260, room 3.36, DK-8000 Aarhus C
Phone no: +45 8942 6180
E-mail: ha@mil.au.dk
Other teachers
Torben Sigsgaard, Ole Find Petersen, Eva Bonefeld Jørgensen, Lars Mølhave
Mainly lectures and some colloquia. 4-5 hours/week in 7 weeks.
Material: English
Spoken language: English
Educational material
Klaassen CD and Watkins III JB Casarett & Doull´s Essentials of Toxicology McGraw-Hill New York, ISBN 0-07-138914-8
Supplementary material: Orginal papers and reviews, copies of overheads.
Der henvises til Aarhus Universitets e-learningssider: http://www.aula.au.dk
Eksamen: 2. kvarter
Reeksamen: Efter aftale med faglærer
Institut for Miljø- og Arbejdsmedicin
Humanbiologi - Kandidatfagpakke