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4155: Marketing Channels and E-Business ( efterår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:   COURSE LEVEL: Elective MSc course  
  • Semester/kvarter:  SEMESTER FOR WHICH DESCRIPTION IS VALID: Fall 2010  
  • Timer per uge:   NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: A varying number of weekly hours for 14 weeks, equivalent to 10 ECTS.  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 23456




After the course the students can orally and in writing:

  • describe and explain the flows, functions, relationships in, and outputs of a distribution system.
  • describe the critical elements and strategic issues connected with being a wholesaler or a retailer.
  • describe, explain, and apply Bucklin's theory of distribution channel structure to shortly described examples.
  • describe and explain an analytical approach for designing customer-driven distribution systems.
  • analyze issues of vertical integration of distribution systems
  • describe, explain and apply the concepts of conflict, dependence and power to analyze distribution systems
  • describe, explain and analyze how e-business channels can create value





The course gives the students a theoretic and practical understanding of the function of marketing, its design and development. The course covers:

  • 1. the most important concepts for understanding and analyzing marketing systems
  • 2. introduction of different theories on design and development of marketing systems
  • 3. business considerations in terms of choosing marketing channels and the role of distribution in marketing strategy
  • 4. the interaction between businesses in a marketing channel
  • 5. the structure and development of retail and wholesale primarily in Denmark
  • 6. models for analyzing and understanding electronic marketing channels and E-business
  • 7. tools for handling and discussing practical problems in distribution and E-business




  • Definitions of concepts: the channel concept, channel "output" and structure, different channel theories based on economic and non-economic factors
  • A theory based on a micro-economic model (Bucklin) is presented to explain the correlation between the consumers' wishes, the different "service outputs" of the channel and the channel's functional structure (e.g. the use of transportation and storage functions)
  • Considerations in connection with a supplier's choice of marketing channel and consequently marketing strategy
  • Problems in connection with vertical management and coordination in a marketing channel. This includes theories on power bases and on use of power, roles and conflicts as well as various aspects of vertical integration. Assessment of the channel's efficiency will also be discussed
  • Electronic marketing channels: consequences for distribution strategy, value creation, implementation and conflicts will be discussed
  • Structure and development trends in wholesale and retail will be discussed via examples from Danish retail and wholesale

Faglige forudsætninger


REQUIRED COURSES (progression):

Marketing and micro economics equivalent to a bachelor in economics or management. In addition the bachelor course in strategy is required.




LECTURER: Ivan S. Bach and Niels Peter Mols


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform



A mixture of lectures and discussions, with student presentations. Parts of the curriculum are for self-study







  • 1. Louis W. Stern, Adel I. El-Ansary, & Anne T. Coughlan (1996): Marketing Channels, 5 ed. Prentice-Hall.: Chap. 1: p. 1-20, Chap. 2: p. 50-58, Chap. 3: p. 107-109, Chap. 4: p. 141-153, Chap. 5: p. 187-192 og 196-218; Total: 73 pages.
  • 2. Rosenbloom, Bert (1999). " Marketing Channels", 6 Edition, p. 196-231. p. 234-253. The Dryden Press.
  • 3. Bucklin, Louis P. (1966): A Theory of Distribution Channel Structure. IBER, Berkeley, 103 pages.
  • 4. Rangan, V., Menezes, M. & Maier, E. (1992): "Channel Selection for New Industrial Products: A Framework, Method, and Application", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56 (July), 69-82.
  • 5. Dickson, P. (1983): "Distributor Portfolio Analysis and the Channel Dependence Matrix. New Techniques for Understanding and Managing the Channel", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 47 (Summer), 35-44.
  • 6. Mohr, J. and Nevin, J. R. (1990): "Communication Strategies in Marketing Channels: A Theoretical Perspective", Journal of Marketing, (October), 36-51.
  • 7. Anderson E. and Weitz B. A. (1986): "Make-or-Buy Decisions: Vertical Integration and Marketing Productivity", Sloan Management Review, (Spring), 3-19.
  • 8. Gaski J. F. (1984): "The Theory of Power and Conflict in Channels of Distribution", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48 (Summer), 9-29.
  • 9. Moriarty, Rowland T. and Moran, Ursula (1990) "Managing Hybrid Marketing Systems", Harvard Business Review, November-December: 146-155.
  • 10. Hansen, H. Tommy og Skytte, Hans (1997): "Retailer's Choice of Suppliers and Products". Working paper no. 49, MAPP, Århus, p.1-22.
  • 11. Andersen, James og Narus, A. James (1990): "A Model of Distributor Firm and Manufacturer Firm Working Partnerships", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 54 (January), 42-58.
  • 12. Millman, Tony og Wilson, Kevin (1995): "From key account selling to key account management", Journal of Marketing Practice, University Press, Vol. 1, No. 1, 9-21.
  • 13. Alba, J., J. Lynch, B. Weitz, C. Janiszewski, R. Lutz, A. Sawyer & S. Wood (1997). "Interactive Home Shopping: Consumer, Retailer, and Manufacturer Incentives to Participate in Electronic Marketplaces", Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61 (July), 38-53.
  • 14. Amit, R. & C. Zott (2001). "Value Creation in E-Business", Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 22, 493-520.
  • 15. Mols, N.P., P.N.D. Bukh & J.F. Nielsen (1999). "Distribution Channel Strategies in Retail Banking", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, Vol. 27, No. 1, 37-47.
  • 16. Webb, K.L. (2002). "Managing Channels of Distribution in the Age of Electronic Commerce", Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31, pp. 95-102.
  • Understanding Hybrid Channel Conflict: A Conceptual Model and Propostions for Research".
    Kevin L. Webb & Nicholas M. Didow. Journal of Business Marketing, Vol. 4 (1) 1997, p. 39-78
  • Bucklin, L.P. (1963). "Retail Strategy and the Classification of Consumer Goods", Journal of Marketing, January, 51-56/ also printed in Enis et al. "Marketing Classics".

In total 403 pages. To the literature will be added slides from the courses.

It is possible that a limited number of pages/articles later will be added to the list of literature.




4 hour written exam. In addition a short presentation of an analysis of a firm's use of the Internet has to be passed.