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4197: Entrepreneurship in the Experience Economy ( efterår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau:   COURSE LEVEL: Elective master's level course aimed at both MSc Economics and Management students and students enrolled in the Business Adm. programmes  
  • Timer per uge:   NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: 3 teaching hours per week for 12 weeks + intensive work on projects in groups - The total work load is equivalent to 10 ECTS
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 23393




On completion of the course participants should be able to:

  • Describe their own personal and professional competencies
  • Describe the personal and professional competencies of their fellow students
  • Describe and analyse the competencies of their project group into a competence profile
  • Describe the history and situation of a particular area of the experience economy and analyse its potential of development.
  • Analyse the project group as an actor in an arena of the experience economy
  • Analyse causes and effects of development within the arena and explain the project groups strengths and weaknesses with respect to acting in the arena
  • Evaluate the abilities of the project group with respect to either realizing existing opportunities or creating new opportunities in the arena
  • Analyse these opportunities and re-construct them as a business concept
  • Generalize their experiences from the processes of the course into an enterprising behaviour approach to the world.





The course is based on the need for innovation and entrepreneurship in order to

develop the western societies. A number of analyses have thus shown the need for

rethinking the humanities and the social sciences. Solutions on this matter is yet

sparse and pointing in many different directions, but they all share the wish that both

students of the humanities and of the social sciences to a lesser degree understand

themselves and their disciplines as something that is strongly separated from the

world outside the walls of the university - but rather works explicitly with the question

of how the skills they have acquired from their disciplines can be used to create value

for themselves and others.

The course "Entrepreneurship in the Experience Economy" does not restrict itself to

motivate and train the students to establish firms of their own, but do also try to

motivate and train students towards a broader form of enterprising behavior based on

the knowledge acquired in their studies.

The guiding motive of the course is that in order to act entrepreneurially one has to

confront the disciplinary approach in which one is situated with the approach of other

disciplines, as most entrepreneurial activities involves a variety of disciplines. In order

to realize this ambition it is thus necessary to challenge the disciplinary background

of each student and bring different subject matters and knowledge areas into an


During the course the students are trained to understand the experience economy as

an arena in which their knowledge when it is brought together with other forms of

knowledge can give rise to entrepreneurial opportunities. The students are thus

trained to see their own opportunities for innovation and to see how their own

disciplinary background can create value in the experience economy.

Group reports are made on the basis of the general literature of the course and the

specific material established by each group.



  • Disciplinary background and interdisciplinarity (competences and ressources). Entrepreneurship in the experience economy seen from an aestetic, an economic and an information science discplinary background
  • Identification of a business arena. Frames of reference for identification of a business arena. Identifaction of relevant arenas within the experience economy and positioning of the project group within these.
  • Entrepreneurship and business opportunities. On the essence of opportunities and entrepreneurail ways to approach them
  • Formulation of a business concept. Transformation of an opportunity into a business. Formulation and description of a business concept

Faglige forudsætninger


REQUIRED COURSES (progression):

A completed bach. degree is required. It is recommended that the students coming from economics and management and from business administration have passed the two courses Strategy and Innovation



LECTURER: Per Blenker and Claus Thrane-Jensen together with teachers at the Institute of Aesthetic Studies

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform



The course is constructed as an interplay between lectures, bi-weekly assigments,

student presentations and group projects. In this proces it is fundamental that the

students form interdiciplinary groups between economics and aestetics students.

During the course the class is divided into groups and learning is created interactively

between students and project groups. Students are thus expected to present their

group assignments 4-5 times during the course. It is thus an integrated part of the

course that the students themselves contribute to the creation of learning situations

that can fulfill the purpose of the course - the development of "enterprising behaviour"








Pine, J. B & J. H. Gilmore (1999) The Experience Economy, Work is a Theatre &

Every Business a Stage , Harward Business School Press (250 sider)

Spinosa et al. (1997) Disclosing New Worlds, Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action and the Cultivation of Solidarity, The MIT Press (190 sider)



Videnskabsministeriet (2005): Det innovative humaniora og samfundsvidenskab, 1-53.

Forskningsrådet for Kultur og Kommunikation (2004): Kulturens fremtid: Æstetik uden grænser, 1-66.

Gartner, W.B., Carter, N.M. & Hills, G.E. (2003) ‘The language of opportunity', in Steyaert, C. & Hjort, D., New Movements in Entrepreneurship , Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Weick, K. & Westley (1996) Organizational Learning, Confirming an Oxymoron, In Clegg, R. & W.R. Nord  (Eds) Handbook of Organizations Studies . London, Sage.

Sarasvathy, S.; S. Venkataraman; N. Dew & R. Velamuri (2002) Three Views of Entrepreneurial Opportunity,"; in Acs, Z. & D. Audretsch (eds.) Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Regeringen (2003): Danmark i kultur- og oplevelsesøkonomien, 1-59.


Approx. 600 pages


Studieordning og bedømmelse

2. del af sidefaget i erhvervsøkonomi

  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Sidefag i erhvervsøkonomi

  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur



Assessment is done on the basis of reports made in a group project. In the report

each group member must specify his/her individual contribution in a way that allows

for individual assessment.

EXAMINATION AIDS ALLOWED: All - except any means of electronic communication including calculators, mobile phones and PCs