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After having followed the course, the goal is that the student should be able to
The purpose of the course is to provide the student with a rigorous introduction to advanced econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. We will discuss the concept of causality, identification of parameters of interest, and estimation. After this general introduction we will focus on a number of topics. We will see how access to panel data - under certain assumptions - may help us identify parameters of interest. We will also analyze the modelling of limited dependent variables, a type of data often encountered within economics. Here we do not have full information about the outcome of interest. For example, we only observe whether an individual chooses a short or long further education, not to which degree he prefers one over the other. Similarly, we may be interested in modelling whether length of education causes higher public sector wages for a random individual in the workforce. The problem is that we only observe public sector wages for individuals who actually choose to work in this sector, not for individuals who work in the private sector and individuals working in the public sector may be fundamentally different from individuals working in the private sector. Finally, we acknowledge that individuals may not react in the same way when exposed to some sort of treatment or policy. Some students may, for example, have a higher gain from following Microeconometrics than others even though the two groups are observationally equivalent. This presents a challenge for our standard set-up and we will discuss both identification and estimation when we loosen the assumption of constant treatment effects.
Nonlinear regression models
Models for panel data
Models with discrete dependent variables
Censored regression models
Sample selection models
Average treatment effects
REQUIRED COURSES: 3620: Econometrics
LECTURER: Marianne Simonsen
3 lectures and 1 exercise, theoretical as well as empirical, on average per week
A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K. Trivedi (2005), Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications . Chapters 1-3, 5, 14-16, 21-23, 25.
TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES: Approx. 351 p., notes approx. 50 p.
FORM OF ASSESSMENT: 20 minutes' oral exam with 20 minutes' preparation
EXAMINATION AIDS ALLOWED: All - except for any kind of electronic communication including calculators, mobile phones and PCs.