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AU kursuskatalog arkiv

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Advanced Physical Computing Q1 ( efterår 2010 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau: Bachelorkursus
  • Semester/kvarter: Q1
  • Timer per uge: Forelæsninger (3t/uge), holdøvelser (3t/uge)
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: Ingen
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 25468


Deltagerne vil efter kurset have et grundlag for at forstå fundamental concepts of basic electronics utilizing the Physical Computing paradigm. They will get familiar with the properties and use of standard components such as resistors, diods, transistors and capacitors. They will learn how to apply these and other components in circuits to create simple but stand-alone interactive circuits that can be integrated into everyday objects, with a didactic focus on physical properties and interaction models. Once these fundamental skills are acquired, the students will start to work with a microcontroller, creating more elaborated interactive devices or systems og praktisk erfaring med prototyping and building mock-ups of new interactive artefacts and environments. Kursets arbejdsform vil også træne deltagernes evne til at planlægge og gennemføre projekter.

Obligatorisk program



A part of the course will focus on the rationale behind each work or assignment. Each student or group of students shall present a ‘scenario of use’, explaining the value and potentials of their prototypes before the construction-phase. The students should be able to argue for the chosen interaction paradigm, use and purpose of each prototype. This will serve as a short ‘soft requirement’ list for the planned prototype. This part of the course will be supported by theoretical introductions to ideas and concepts related to physical and interaction design related to physical and/or full body interaction.

Faglige forudsætninger

Fysisk Design, Produkt Design Projekt


Erik Grönvall

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Forelæsninger og øvelser


Articles and texts available online. Forums and other online resources




Deltagerne skal ved afslutningen af kurset kunne:

  • anvende basic electronic components and Sensors/Actuators to design and build interactive artefacts and environments from scratch.
  • konstruere basic electronic components and Sensors/Actuators to design and build interactive artefacts and environments from scratch.
  • evaluere og reflektere on the work from a technical, physical/digital and interaction paradigm perspective.

Skemaplacering (forelæsninger)



Oktober, reeksamen i Januar


Datalogisk Institut

Tilmelding til undervisning




Individuelt projekt plus individuel mundtlig eksamination (20 min) uden forberedelse
7-skala, intern censur