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Udvidet grammatisk disciplin: Før-skolebørns narrative kompetencer ( efterår 2010 - 20 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: KA
  • Semester/kvarter: Efterår 2010,  1 uges intensivt kursus i uge 35 i begyndelsen af semestret.
  • Timer per uge: 18 timers intensivt kursus ugekursus
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 20. Studerende fra andre discipliner er velkomne.
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 22160


Ved bedømmelse lægges vægt på i hvilket omfang den studerende 

  • viser viden om grammatikale emner i bred forstand 
  • har kendskab til de metoder der kan anvendes til at undersøge emner med hensyn til strukturelle aspekter af sprog 
  • har indsigt i relevante teorier


This course shall give insight in pragmatic and narrative development, specifically in early narrative competence (of preschoolers), the implications of such a competence for school learning and literate linguistic abilities; furthermore, the necessity and the methods of the clinical testing of narrative competence will be discussed, as well as the faculties of adults and of children in general, but also of children with specific language impairment, of children (or teens) with genetic syndromes, of children with complex linguistic background (twins, bilingualism, migration).

From 1;00 to 3;00, children develop the basic traits of the grammar of their target language, but their pragmatic competence and rhetorical ability is still limited; at 3;00, children still need 'scaffolding' (by caretakes) in order to tell a story. A story needs two kinds of evaluation, a reason to be told; there is a setting, a complication, a solution. Actants need to be introduced properly and referenced correctly (e.g., with anaphorical pronouns); a coherent textworld must be construed. Story-telling is thus a precursor of decontextualized language use and a prerequisite for language learning at school. Children from lower social background and children with migrant background often lack the opportunity to acquire such competences resulting in problems at school. Therefore, testing such competences and possible early intervention are important aspects for clinical linguistics, although this is more complex than testing phonology and grammar. This class will cover the range of pragmatic development from birth until school age and will focus specifically on the development of narrative competence at age 03;00-06;00.

Faglige forudsætninger

BA i lingvistik eller anden grundlæggende viden om lingvistiske strukturer og sprogbrugsanalyse. 


Prof. Ralf Vollmann (University of Graz, Austria)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Undervisningen kan bestå af et forløb i Grammaisk Teori; Lingvistisk typologi; Sprogforandring; Verdens sproglige diversitet eller Sprogbeskrivelse. Det er også muligt at studere denne disciplin som selvstuderende med vejledning.

Due to the time structure of this class (1 week), the teacher will shortly present the main topics, discuss the exposés for the student papers, and then give more time to finish the papers. These will be commented, then corrected by the students, the final version being sent before the deadline.

Students are asked to join http://kfulinguistics.ning.com/ , the group 'PS-ARHUS'



Literature (notice that these are just the first three references; the complete list can be found in the First Class conference for this course in 'LIN Studier' in August 2010)

Antinucci, Francesco & Ruth Miller 1976: How children talk about what happened. In: Journal of Child Language 3. pp. 167-189.

Bamberg, M. und Damrad-Fyre, R. (1991): On the ability to provide evaluative comments: further explorations of children's narrative competencies. in: Journal of Child Language 18: 689-710.

Bamberg, Michael 1987: The Acquisition of Narratives. Learning to Use Language . Berlin, New York, Amsterdam: Mouton de Gruyter.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i lingvistik

  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Prøven er fri, skriftlig på max 40 sider. Emnet aftales i samråd med vejleder.