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4198: User-driven Innovation Management ( efterår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:   COURSE LEVEL: Optional course to Master Economics and Management Students  
  • Timer per uge:   NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: (in total 2+2 lectures for 14 weeks equivalents) 2+2 lectures per week for 10 weeks. Mandatory group work for 3 weeks. Mandatory public group presentations and feedback through 2+2 lectures per week for 2 weeks.  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 23366




On completion of the course participants should be able to:

  • Describe the various forms of user-driven product development and its challenges to innovation management.
  • Explain the user-involving new product development culture and relate it to user-driven product development.
  • Explain the decision-making levels of innovation management in organizations and reflect on the strategic dispositions of the company in relation to market and technology.
  • Compare information paths and derive information traps based on analysis of the organizational information competences; especially reflecting on the role of knowledge management.
  • Analyze and derive various types of users through the development process.
  • Explain how these users may be integrated into product development projects; also theorizing on the role of information and communication technology.
  • Relating user-driven innovation management to real-world cases and problems.
  • Describe, explain and analyze the effects of different types of social networks on the innovation process; also reflecting on the role of innovation in networks.
  • Explain the ideas of corporate venturing and intra-preneurship and analyze how they relate to user-driven innovation.





The course focuses on user-driven innovation management as the future form of new product development by organizations. User-driven innovation is concerned with the involvement of and collaboration with users in the development of new products. User-involvement is challenging and requires information and ICT competences. New product development decision-making needs to be coherent throughout the organization. User may be end-users or other partners. As such the course examines innovation in networks and the innovation management aspects of this innovation form. Venturing is a special case of user-driven innovation with focus on intra-preneurship.



  • The course introduces students to user-driven innovation and the managerial aspects of taking company product development in this direction. New product development is described and discussed to encompass its complexity.
  • Information management is analyzed and discussed in relation to the various information paths followed in the new product development process. Each path demonstrates organizational competences, potential traps and the information window guiding market and technological attention in the organization.
  • User involvement is studied in relation to the new product development process. Different types of users are analyzed and related to technological tools in the process of creating relations and collaboration both with the single company and in a network.
  • The management of technology in relation to the accomplishment of user-interaction is discussed and analyzed with focus on the organizational readiness to new information and communication technology.
  • Based on this knowledge the students competences are build and strengthened with regard to innovation management at individual and organizational levels through work on building real-world corporate cases on specific topics and relating them to each other to visualize the complexity of innovation management. User-driven innovation thus also takes place in the course.


Faglige forudsætninger


REQUIRED COURSES (progression):

The course requires having passed either: Innovation or Strategy as a minimum. The students would be strengthened by both.



LECTURER: Kristina Risom Jespersen (Primary), Claus Thrane, Per Blenker

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform



Lectures the first 10 weeks followed by 3 weeks of mandatory work in groups of four students. Each group receives a given topic from the curriculum and prepares a problem statement, a short examination of relevant theory, and relate a real corporate example to the problem statement. The aim of the group work is to develop a WIKI on user-driven innovation management with a primary focus on case examples developed by the groups. Each group present presents their work in public and receives feedback on their work in plenum at the last 2 weeks lectures.







LITERATURE: (Approximately 900 pages)

•·         Jespersen, Kristina Risom (2008), "User-driven product development: Creating a user-involving NPD culture". Forlaget Samfundslitteratur

  • Tidd, Joe, John Bessant, and Keith Pavitt (2005), "Managing Innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change", 3 rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons. Ltd.
  • Lecture notes
  • Course WiKi created by the attending students.
  • Ahuja (2000); "Collaboration Networks, Structural Holes, and Innovation: A Longitudinal Study", Administrative Science Quarterly ; 45, 425-455
  • Granovetter, M.S., 1973, "The strength of weak ties", American Journal of Sociology 78, 1360-1380
  • Granovetter, M. S., "Economic action and social structure: The problem of embeddedness," American Journal of Sociology 91: 481-510 (1985).
  • Hargadon, A. and R. I. Sutton, 1997, Technology brokering and innovation in a product development firm, Administrative Science Quarterly 42 (4): 716-749
  • Rowley, T.; Behrens, D. & Krackhardt, D. (2000); Redundant Governance Structures: An Ananlysis of Structural and Relational Embeddedness in the Steel and Semiconductor Industries; Strategic Management Journal , 21(3), 369-386
  • Ruef, M., 2002, Strong ties, weak ties and islands: structural and cultural predictions of organizational innovation, Industrial and Corporate Change 11, 427-449.
  • Stevenson & Jarillo (1990) A Paradigm of Entreprenurship: Entreprenurial management, Strategic Management Journal , vol 11, pp. 17 - 27.
  • Witt, U. (2000) Changing Cognitive Frames - Changing Organizational Forms: An Entrepreneurial Theory of Organisational Development, Industrial and Corporate Change , vol 9, no. 4, pp. 733-755.
  • Antoncic B. & R. D. Hisrich (2003) Clarifying the intrapreneurship concept, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development , Volume 10 . Number 1, 7-24
  • Michalski, Tino (2006) Radical innovation through corporate entrepreneurship from a Competence-Based Strategic Management perspective, Int. J. Management Practice , Vol. 2, No. 1,

Studieordning og bedømmelse

2. del af sidefaget i erhvervsøkonomi

  • Skriftlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Sidefag i erhvervsøkonomi

  • Skriftlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur


FORM OF ASSESSMENT: 4-hour written exam

EXAMINATION AIDS ALLOWED: All - except for any means of electronic communication including calculators, mobile phones and PCs.