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4247: International Management ( efterår 2010 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:   COURSE LEVEL: Elective master's level course  
  • Timer per uge:   NUMBER OF HOURS PER WEEK: A total of 48 lecture equivalents  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:   RESTRICTIONS ON ADMISSION: Max. number of 30 students  
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 23453



LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, the students have acquired theoretical and practical insights into the preconditions for competence development and organizational behaviour in global business organizations. At the individual level and at the organizational level, within contingency model of global management, student can


  • Analyze the theories and explain the advantages and disadvantages for these in respect to unknown situations in a synopsis
  • Analyze global complex situations in the relationship between global and local units
  • Analyze intercultural encounters in global management situations
  • Argue for a choice in the role repertoire in respect of global complexity and reflect on how their choice and argument differ from their choice and argument made in the beginning of the course,
  • Reflect on the consequences for real life situations and research agenda in the area of global management and organizational culture



COURSE DESCRIPTION: Theoretical and practical insights into the preconditions for competence development and organizational behaviour in global business organizations

COURSE SUBJECT AREAS:  The course covers concepts and theories within the subject areas such as


  • National cultural differences
  • Organizational culture
  • Organizational culture and change
  • Organizational institutionalism
  • Globalization
  • The transnational model
  • Global complexity
  • Boundary spanning
  • Expatriation
  • Ethics

Faglige forudsætninger


REQUIRED COURSES (progression): Organization, Organizational Behavior




LECTURER: Mikael Soendergaard & Anna Gerstroem


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


TEACHING METHOD: Lectures, case analyses, simulations







Readings listed by main topics:

Globalization (68 pages)

Govindarajan & Gupta, 2008, The Quest for Global Dominance, San Franscico: Jossey-Bass 4 - 23 (19 pages)

Keohane, R.O. and Nye, J. Joseoh, J.r, 2000, Globalization: What s New What's Not .Foreign Policy , (18) 104 - 119 (26 pages)

Lane, H.W. Maznevski, M.L. Mendenhall, M. 2003, Hercules Meets Buddha , Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity, 1 - 23 (23 pages)

Not required reading

Govindarajan & Gupta, 2008, The Quest for Global Dominance, San Franscico: Jossey-
Bass , 237 - 265 (28 pages)

Bird et al, 2003, Global Competencies, an Introduction, in Lane H W et al, Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity, 57 - 80 (29 pages)

The Transnational Corporate Model (50 pages)

Harzing, A, Structuring International Organizations, 419 - 437 (18 pages)
Gooderham et al, 2003, Structures and Learning Networks, in International Management, Blackwell, 42 - 63 (21 pages)

Søndergaard & Naumes, 2007, ABB-Transformers - Denmark, (A) The CASE Journal, 3.2. 33 - 51. (18 pages)

Søndergaard & Naumes, 2007, ABB-Transformers - Denmark, (B ). The CASE Journal , 3, 2, 52 - 54. (3 pages)

Bartlett & Ghoshal, Matrix of the Mind, HBR . 1 - 9 (8 pages)

Evans, 2002, Globalization,  from The Global Challenge (18 pages)

Ruigrok et al., ABB Beyond the Global Matrix 64 - 86 ( 12 pages)


Differences in National Culture

Brannen, et al, 2003, Culture, personality, and social dynamics, in Lane H W et al, Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity 1 - 37 (37 pages)

Hofstede, 2002, The Ten Synthetic Culture Profiles, in Exploring Culture , 91 - 113 (21 pages)

Noorderhaven, N., & Koen, 2005, C.I National Cultures and Management, in Koen, C., I, Comparative International Management, Mc Graw Hill, 54 - 86; 96 - 110. (45pages)

Hofstede &Hofstede & Hofstede 2006, from Kulturer og organisationer , 89 -177, (89 pages)

Gertsen, 1990, Interkulturel kompetence, in Fjernt fra Danmark, 32 - 73 (40 pages) Not required reading

Thomas et al, 2003, Interpersonal Skills, Mindful Communication and Building trust, in Lane H W et al, Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity, 94-108 (14 pages)

Minkov, M., 2007, Don't Worry, Be Happy, Indulgence vursus restraint, from What Makes Us Different and Simlar. A New Interpretation of the World Value Survey and Other Cross Cultural Data, (Sofia, Kalisika i Stil) 111 - 161 (50 pages) 

Organizational Culture

Berson, Y., Oreg, S., & Dvir, T. 2007. CEO values, organizational culture and firm outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 29:615-633 (18 pages).
Baird, K., Harrison, G., & Reeve, R. 2007. The Culture of Australian Organizations and it's relation with strategy. International Journal of Business Studies, 15(1):15-41 (26 pages).
Barney, J. 1986. Organizational culture: can it be a source of sustained competitive advantage?, Academy of Management Review, 11: 656-665 (9 pages)
Martin (2002) Organizational Culture: mapping the terrain: Chapter 1, page 3-28 (25 pages)
Martin (2002) Organizational Culture: mapping the terrain: Chapter 7, page 205-237 (32 pages)
Hajro, Aida, 2009, Corporate culture: what do we know and where do we go from here? European Journal of Cross Cultural Competence and Management, 1,1, 34 - 41 (7)
Noorderhaven, N., & Koen, 2005, C.I Culture Issues in Mergers and Acquisitions, in Koen, C., I, Comparative International Management, Mc Graw Hill, 111 - 121. (not required reading)
Noorderhaven, N., & Koen, 2005, C.I Organization Culture and Strategy, in Koen, C., I, Comparative International Management, Mc Graw Hill, 121-131 (10 pages /(nor required reading)

Organizational Culture and Change (12 pages)
Hughes (2007) Change management: Chapter 7, page 77-89 (12 pages)
Noorderhaven, N., & Koen, 2005, C.I Organizational Culture Change
in Koen, C., I, Comparative International Management, Mc Graw Hill, 131 - 135 (4 pages) not required reading

Organizational Institutionalism
Pedersen & Dobbin (2006) In Search of Identity and Legitimation: Bridging Organizational Culture and Neoinstitutionalism, The American Behavioral Scientist, page 897-907 (10 pages)
Noorderhaven, N., & Koen, 2005, C.I National Diversity and Management,
in Koen, C., I, Comparative International Management, Mc Graw Hill, 152 - 197 (55 pages)
Thomas (2008) The Handbook of Cross Cultural Management Research: Chapter 18: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Enterprise by Lervik, page 301-318 (17 pages) not required reading Thomas (2008) The Handbook of Cross

Cultural Management Research: Chapter 18:
Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Enterprise by Lervik, page 301-318 (17 pages) 

Global Mindset (26 pages)

24) Levy et al. 2007, What we talk about when we talk about 'global mindset': Managerial cognition in multinational corporations, Journal of International Business Studies , (18), 231 - 258.(26 pages)

Ethics in Global Corporations  (47 pages)

NcNett et al, 2003, Ethical Decision-Making for Global Managers, in Lane H W et al, Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity 152-169 (17 pages)

Schneider et al, Citizens of the world, business ethics and social responsibility, 290 - 320 (30 pages)

Expatriation (42 pages)

Caligiuri et al, 2001, Global competence, What is it and can it be developed through global assignments, Human Resource Planning , 24, 3, 37 - 45 (9 pages)

Pucik et al., 1998, Selecting and developing the global versus the expatriate manager, Human Resource Planning, 21, 4, 40 - 54 (14 pages )

Stahl et al, 2002, Toward the boundaryless career: a closer look at the expatriate career concept and the perceived implication of an international assignment, Journal of World Business, 37, 216 - 227, (12 pages)

Kragelund & Søndergaard, 2004, A Candidate for Saudi Arabia, inI Francesco A et al, International Organizational Behavior , Prentice-Hall, (7 pages)

Adler 2002, Cross - Cultural Transitions, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior , 259- 300 (40 pages) not required reading

Adler, 2002, A Portable Life, The Expatriate Spouse, International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior 301- 335 (34 pages) not required reading

Adler, N., 2002. "Global careers" International Dimensions of Organizational
Behavior South-Western, 336 - 372, (32 pages) not required reading

Cultural intelligence and global mindset

Beechler et al, 2003, Bounday Spanning, in Lane H W et al, Blackwell of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity 121-133 (14 pages)

Saner et al, 2000, Business diplomacy management: a core competency for global companies, Academy of Management Executive , 14, 1, 80 - 92, (13 pages)

Bartlett & Ghoshal, 2003 What is a Global Manager, HRB, august, 101-108, (8 pages) Kedia et al., 1999, Global Managers: Developing a Mindset for Global

Competitiveness, Journal of World Business ,  34, 3, 230 - 250 (20 pages)

Morrison, A, 2000, Developing a global leadership model, Human Ressource Mangement Journal 39, 1 & 2, 117 - 132 (15 pages)

Readings in total: 1235 pages



FORM OF ASSESSMENT: Oral exam of 20 minutes based on a synopsis of 5 pages as point of departure.