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AU kursuskatalog arkiv

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Valgfrit emne I: Antropologi og børn ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: KA
  • Semester/kvarter: 1. semester
  • Timer per uge: 3 timer. For en oversigt over undervisningsudbud, kopier og indsæt nedenstående link i din browser: http://aal.au.dk/antro/uddannelse/undervis/laeseplan/
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29481


Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende:

  • viser indsigt i specifikke teoridannelser, problemstillinger og/eller metodiske tilgange inden for forskellige emnefelter
  • demonstrerer forståelse for de enkelte teoriers og/eller metoders omsætning til konkrete analyser af samfund og kultur, samt hvilke konsekvenser en bestemt analysemetode har for det endelige resultat
  • evner at relatere det valgte emne til den antropologiske faglighed


Course Description

This course focuses on the study of children and childhoods within anthropology. Rather than cataloging children and childhoods cross-culturally, our aim will be to use ethnographies about children and childhood to critically examine broader themes within the field of anthropology. While children have been the subjects of extensive research in other disciplines, the study of children within anthropology has, until recently, been relatively limited, despite the fact that an anthropological lens provides a unique vantage through which to understand children and the social worlds that they inhabit. This course will explore how an anthropological approach provides unique theoretical and methodological frameworks for the study of children and childhoods throughout time and space.

Course readings and discussions have been loosely organized into themes, but, like most things anthropological, the boundaries between these themes are blurred at best, so many of the readings will be relevant throughout the course. We'll begin with an exploration of the place of children as subjects both within and beyond anthropology, with particular emphasis on recognizing children as agents actively engaged in shaping their own lives, thereby addressing issues of representation in ethnographic research. Next, we will explore childhood from a historical perspective, before moving onto ethnographies focusing the everyday lives of children in a variety of contemporary contexts: at work, at play, and as integral facets of the social fabric they are embedded in.

Faglige forudsætninger

Valgfrit emne II skal adskille sig tematisk, teoretisk eller metodisk fra Valgfrit emne I.
En relevant BA-uddannelse er endvidere en forudsætning for at følge dette kursus.


Sarah Casey Rasmussen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The instructor will give a lecture at the beginning of each class but most class time will be used for discussion, so it is therefore crucial that students are prepared to be active participants throughout the course. Students are expected to post two thought questions based on the week's readings on First Class by the Wednesday before class. This is done in an effort to facilitate critical thinking and productive class discussions.  Readings will be located in the course packet unless otherwise specified.

First Class will be used as a communication tool throughout the course.


Anvises af underviser før kursusstart på First Class.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i antropologi

  • Fri.hj.opg.ind., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Prøveform: fri skriftlig hjemmeopgave

Omfang: max. 15 sider

Den til opgaven udarbejdede litteraturliste skal indeholde mindst 5 titler, der ikke indgår i undervisningens læseplan og som belyser nye vinkler af de udvalgte problemstillinger.

Prøven kan udarbejdes i samarbejde med andre studerende, dog således at alle dele af opgaven undtagen problemformulering og konklusion kan gøres til genstand for individuel bedømmelse. Det skal således fremgå af besvarelsen hvilke afsnit de enkelte er ansvarlige for.

Prøven må have deltagelse af max. 2 studerende. Det samlede omfang ved 2 studerende: max. 25 sider.