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IC MP3 Media Production III ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 3 rd semester
  • Timer per uge: 5 hours per week
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 25-30 students.
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26066


" To give the students an introduction to desktop publishing techniques and technologies.

" To provide the students with the technical knowledge to produce digital materials to be published digitally or in print.

" To provide the students with the necessary knowledge to evaluate the needs of customers in relation to the plan, design, and development of desktop publishing solutions.

" To give the students the necessary technical and artistic knowledge to plan, design, and develop basic identity systems for small companies and corporate identity systems for bigger corporations.

" To give the students a general introduction to the combination of graphic, typographic, and layout elements in printed solutions.


The overall subject area can be described as:


" Introduction to Logo Design.

" Imaging for the printed world.

" Analysis and criticism of flyers, brochures, catalogues and magazines.

" Use of typography, graphic elements, and white space in desktop publishing.

" Basic identity systems: business cards, letterheads, envelopes.

" Corporate identity systems: business cards, letterheads, envelopes, printed presentations, digital presentations.

" Newspaper adds.

" Poster planning, design and development.

" Digital and printed newsletters.

" Printing formats and standards.

" Design manuals and maintenance guides.

Faglige forudsætninger

Media Production I and Media Production II.


Anett Korsgaard Nissen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Students work individually with subjects covered by teacher in class lectures and demonstrations. Students work with exercises and receive feedback from teacher and other students on their work. The student will work in teams of 4 to 5 students on a project for the evaluation.



Books within the subjects

Relevant articles and web pages

Material handed out via Blackboard

All covered materials.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

BA i international communication and multimedia

  • Hj.opg. + mdt. ind., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Project incl. oral defense and examination


The examination for this course consists of a written report in English, a personal identity system (portfolio), and a group project assigned by AU-IBT (3-4 students per group). It includes:

" Basic or corporate identity system for the given customer:

o Logo

o Digital Newsletter

o Letterhead (A4)

o Business cards (horizontal and/or vertical formats)

o Envelopes (all formats needed by the customer - minimum 2 different formats)

o Newspaper advertising (full page (full color), plus 2 small formats (1-ink))

o Flyer (1 A5 1 Ink and 1 A5 Full color)

o 1-page brochures (1 A4 with 1-Fold and 1 A4 with 2-Folds)

o 6-page catalogue (free format)

o Poster (Minimum size A3, maximum size free)

o Website (free choice of tools)


· Personal portfolio:

o Logo

o Letterhead (free format)

o Business card (free format)

o Envelope (free format)

o 1 page brochure (free format)


· Work diary for budgeting purposes (time invested and tolls required to develop the project).

· Design considerations

· Maintenance plan for the customer

· Promotion plan for the customer


Technical details of the report:

" 15-page written report (1800 characters per page)

" A description of goals, purpose and target group of the Project.

" A technical description of the project (tools used and printed materials).

" Design Manual, including all InDesign, Photoshop, and any related working files.

" Maintenance plan.

" Promotion plan.

" Technical aspects of the website (tools, printouts, validation).


About the personal portfolio:

Each student must develop a printed portfolio to promote himself/herself including the following materials:

" Logo

" Letterhead (free format)

" Business card (free format)

" Envelope (free format)

" 1 page brochure (free format)


The portfolio must be accompanied by the digital working and final pre-press files.



About the customer's basic/corporate identity system:

Each group must develop a basic/corporate identity system for the appointed customer. The materials must be printed in high-quality press and paper. Specifics related to the contents, format, and language of the flyers, brochures, and newsletters will be dictated by the customer. The identity system must be presented in print and digitally in the form of a portfolio [1] . As a minimum the port-folio should contain:

" Logo

" Digital Newsletter

" Letterhead (A4)

" Business cards (horizontal and/or vertical formats)

" Envelopes (minimum 2 formats - C4, C5, DL, and A4 formats)

" Newspaper advertising (full page (full color), plus 2 small formats (1-ink))

" Flyer (1 A5 1 Ink and 1 A5 Full color)

" 1-page brochures (1 A4 with 1-Fold and 1 A4 with 2-Folds)

" 6-page catalogue (free format)

" Poster (Minimum size A3, maximum size free)

" Website

If a specific piece of material (not listed above) suites the project better than one of the above mentioned, the list of portfolio content can be altered in negotiation and agreement with the instructor.


The evaluation for this course consists of two sections:

a. Individual approval of the Personal Portfolio by the teacher to gain access to the
Project Examination

b. Project Examination

a. A 10-minute oral group presentation of the project

b. A 15-minute individual oral examination in English concerning the contents of the project and the course's curricula.

[1] Details about the characteristics of the portfolio are included in the course contents.