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BE1 Biosystem instrumentering (Q1+Q2)+(Q3+Q4) ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: 1st + 2nd Quarter (Autumn) and 3rd + 4th Quarter (Spring)
  • Timer per uge: 10 h lectures/Exercises per week
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 33130


Measuring and sensing systems is a basic discipline of research and is also becoming more and more important for students from different disciplines related to biological production systems and processes. The course is aimed at instrumentation for measuring in systems where biology and technology meet. The course will provide the students with competences to perform and analyze a measuring task and to make decisions regarding type of instruments, measuring strategy and qualifications to assess results with regard to credibility and accuracy. The students will practice principles and limitations in using measuring and sensing systems as well as data processing methods for agriculture and horticulture, biogas, emissions, bio-energy, bio-fuel and related areas. The students will understand the physical and technical principles of selected types of sensors, actuators and automatic control systems.


In this course, you will work with:

  • Theoretical and systematic considerations regarding instrumentation and measurement strategy on a given task
  • Sensor types, principles and selection, e.g. for sensing of strain, torque, temperature, pressure, small scale position and motion, acceleration and vibration, force, load and weight, rotation, humidity, flow and level, sound, radiation (incl. optical)
  • Sensor characteristics: transfer function, sensitivity, dynamic range, accuracy, hysteresis, nonlinearity, noise, resolution, band width
  • Statistical methods for merging and analysis of complex data sets and data with different time alignment
  • Stratified sampling and stereology
  • Wireless communication systems, technology and network
  • Methods and instruments for continuous-, accumulative- and instantaneous measurement of gas and particle concentrations and particles in air and aqueous matrices liquids
  • Introduction to selected methods based on chromatography, optical spectroscopy and mass spectrometry, incl. e.g. sampling theory/strategy
  • Selected issues regarding flow theory, air quality and pollution transport in relation to atmospheric emissions
  • Methods for measuring gases, emissions incl. estimation of air exchange rate. Data logistics and conditioning, quality assurance and data storage including knowledge about and use of data loggers
  • Machine vision in outdoor conditions for remote sensing of biological processes and recognition of objects of interest
  • Global navigation satellite system based mapping and navigation
  • Control and regulation of mechanical systems and biological processes
  • Programming of measurement, simulation, test and control systems using intuitive graphical icons and wires in LabView

Faglige forudsætninger


However, there will be requirements to understand basic statistics, calculus and basic chemistry and physics.


Michael Nørremark (course responsible), Hans Benny Rom, Ole Green, Erik Fløjgaard Kristensen, Anders Feilberg

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, theoretic and lab exercises, project reports and excursions

Additionally, the course will generate data for use with the Biosystems Modelling


Holman, J.P. (2001) Experimental methods for Engineers. 7th edition.

Dunn, W.C. (2005) Fundamentals of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control.

National Instruments LabView (www.ni.com/labview/whatis/)

Relevant scientific papers, material available on-line, and copies of presentations.


Aarhus School of Engineering

Indgår i følgende studieordninger

Kandidatuddannelsen i Biosystemteknologi


After completing this course you will be able to:

  • Select sensor types (measuring principle) e.g. for strain, temperature, humidity, pH, gases, particles, positioning, pressure, flow, force and load in relation to measuring a specific mechanic and/or biological process
  • Select a measuring method and an instrumentation and measuring strategy
  • Perform calibration and data quality assurance for sensors, selected instruments and measuring systems
  • Handle and analyze for noise, error factors and for limitations of sensors and instrumentation


The examination is a combination of 4 written reports of 8-10 pages each, and an oral examination at the end of the course. 3 reports are worked out in groups of 2 - 3 students, and one is done individually. Each student specifies the contribution to the reports. Oral examination for 30 min. without means of aid. The reports and the exam counts equal.

Assessment: 7 grade scale. Internal examiner.

Reexamination will be arranged together with the Course Responsible.