M20 Biogasteknologi (Q1+Q2) ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )
Rammer for udbud
Graduate course. Obligatory
Autumn term, 1 st and 2 nd quarter
Timer per uge:
2 hour lectures and 4 hour exercise/project work
Det Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet
Udbud ID:
See learning outcomes and competences
The course will give the student a thorough insight into the production of biogas, including:
processes for the pre-treatment and bioconversion with a view to producing biogas from waste products, animal manure and agricultural crops
the degradation potential and energy yields of waste products and animal manure
basic understanding of anaerobic processes, process kinetics, inhibition, models, etc.
pre-treatment technologies including physical/mechanical (maceration, thermic), chemical (alkaline or acid hydrolysis), biological (silaging, addition of bacterial cultures or enzymes)
different reactor types, such as batch, CSTR, UASB, etc.
environmental balances using different biomasses.
Faglige forudsætninger
Courses: M1 Microbiology; BE2 Modelling of biological and technical systems
Alastair J. Ward (course responsible) mail:
, Henrik B. Møller, Anders M. Nielsen and external lecturers
Undervisnings- og arbejdsform
Lectures, theoretical and practical exercises. Two written reports.
Compendium and collection of articles.
Aarhus School of Engineering
Indgår i følgende studieordninger
Kandidatuddannelsen i Biosystemteknologi
On completion of the course the student should be able to:
explain the differences between operating methods of different reactor types, like CSTR (completely stirred tank reactor), UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge bed), batch etc.
describe a number of pre-treatment techniques and how they work
quantify the energy production from a given amount of biomass as it relates to chemical composition
explain the different biological processes and process kinetics of biogas production
utilise simple models to simulate the anaerobic process
discuss the essential parameters that inhibit the process (ammonia, sulphur compounds, heavy metals, etc)
calculate the dimensions of a biogas plant based on information on raw materials, raw material composition, retention time, temperature, etc. and reflect on methane yield
reflect on the technologies used for purification and upgrading of biogas for motor fuel and/or the natural gas grid
analyse the different options available in energy conversion, such as combined heat and power, motor fuel and fuel cells
calculate the impact on the greenhouse gas balance of the utilization of biogas technology
One written report and presentation to be approved prior to exam. 4-hour written exam with all means of aid including a PC without internet connection. The report and written exam counts equal.
External examiner, the Danish 7-point grade scale.
Reexamination will be arranged together with the Course Responsible.