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U INF Informationsteknologi ( efterår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau:   B.Sc. engineering
  • Semester/kvarter:   5 th semester
  • Timer per uge:   30 lectures in total, etc.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:   -
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26053



The course Innovative Information Technology deals with strategic use of information technology in innovative products. The aim is to give the students operational skills to find, understand, assess and implement the latest information technologies in relation to the company's internal organizational structure and employee skills, the company's core competences and the company's strategic product and segment portfolio.

In the course the students will get access to a large number information technologies, in the field electronic acquisition via sensors, software for data processing, electronic control of electrical and electro-mechanical components, website programming and layout, Internet alive streaming, as well as communication via cable and wireless.

After completion of this course the students are expected  to be able to understand the new information technologies and devise creative and new products, which have their origins in these new technologies.



  • Information technology in a strategic perspective. How will knowledge of information technology could create more innovative products and how to methodically screen, understand, assess and attract new information technologies, so that the company will have a competitive advantage.
  • General technique: how built "artificial intelligence", which can register system changes, compare changes in the desired state of the system and affect the system, so that its condition brought back to the desired.
  • Electronic sensors, which may collect information on the physical state of the product and transmit this information in the form of an electrical voltage: Opto switch. Strain Gauge sensor. Potentiometer sensor. Laser range measure. Laser speed measure. Radar speed-measure. Ultrasonic range measure. Accelerometer sensor. Pressure sensor. Flow meter sensor. Temperature sensor. Flow sensor. Light sensor. Gas sensor. IR (infrared) transmit and receive.
  • Acquisition through a microcontroller and a PC. Taught Visual Basic programming.
  • Digital power switch power electronics, which can operate the actuators, which affects world around us. Power MOSFET transistor and PWM (pulse width modulation). H-bridge.
  • New innovative information technologies, via wireless or via cable, can transfer electronic information: This. RFID (Tags). GPS. GSM/GPRS standard. Infra-red technologies. ULTRASOUND. POWERLINE. BAR code scanners. Splash technology. PDA. PodCasting. Skype.
  • The use of the Internet to establish their own e-business including pay system.

Independent information retrieval, procurement and testing of innovative information technology. Choice of component and approval of price/purchase agreement with profession teacher.

Personlig udvikling

In Danish:

Kurset tilstræber at styrke de studerendes evne til at opbygge et netværk af kontakter til industri og forskningscentre Desuden trænes evnen til at samarbejde i grupper og selvstændigt og ansvarligt at opsøge ny og relevant viden.

Faglige forudsætninger

The previous technological courses in the BDE programme should be passed beforehand


Primarily Hans Henrik Hansen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Class lectures, group instruction, exercise lessons and some self-study





The compendium:"Innovativ informationsteknologi". It is available to the students via Blackboard.

Læringsmetoder i %


Holdundervisning:                                   25 %

Gruppearbejde:                                         20 %

Øvelsesundervisning:                               20 %

Selvstudium                                             35 %



Approx. 200 pages incl. the student's own collected data



Den studerende kan lære at anvende Eagle til at lave printudlæg, MPLAB ICD til at programmere microprocessorer, Visual Basic til PC programmering, samt SYSWIN 3.4 til programmering af en PLC controller. Desuden en række Web programmeringsprogrammer. Konkrete IT-færdigheder afhænger af det valgte selvstudium.



Passed / not passed on the basis of the PowerPoint presentation and the oral performance on the presentation.

Kriterier for målopnåelse

The student should be able to disseminate self-found knowledge and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge in a practical problem, as shown in the section "Test form".

The excellent performance is also accompanied by an information retrieval and a presentation that has a validity of innovation height and depth of detail that creates an understanding of the listener beyond the general knowledge, accompanied by graphic, visual, experimental and interaction means that the one-mer live demonstrations, interest and enthusiasm among the audience.

The student can not exist where there is only a representation of the taught curriculum without exemplification of the application of theory or if the knowledge obtained as a self-TIG is incorrect, incomplete or urelevant so that it can not be translated into operational skills / knowledge to fellow students.



This is a course which must be approved.
Each group has chosen a subject which they wish to present (PowrPoint presentation of 10 - 20 pages). Each of the groups have 45 minutes. All students must participate as knowledge transfer is a part of the examination.

Individual oral exam after the group presentation. There can be questions in the whole syllabus.

Further information in Danish:
Præstationen bedømmes på:

  • Selvstændig informationssøgning, herunder evnen til at kontakte leverandører og eksperter, samt at kunne søge på Internettet for at indsamle information om informationsteknologien.
  • Mængden af relevante, faktuelle og anvendelige fakta, som direkte kan benyttes af medstuderende.
  • Dybden af den selvstændigt indhentede viden om teknologien.
  • Innovationsgraden af teknologien.
  • Kommunikation af emnet i form af interaktiv PowerPoint, tabeller, grafer, figurer, foto, animationer, videoklip, egne videooptagelser. Der lægges vægt på rollespil/teater i forbindelse med præsentationen.
  • Et lille beregningseksempel som viser anvendelsen.
  • Demonstration af informationsteknologien. Der aftales med læreren omkring indkøb af informationsteknologien.
  • Eksemplificering, perspektivering og vurdering af teknologien. Gerne i relation til det pensum, som er gennemgået i kurset, hvis muligt.