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U INN Innovationsledelse og design ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau:   Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter:   5 th semester
  • Timer per uge:   4 hours
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:   None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26052



The purpose of the course is to learn the students on innovation determinants. The students will also have an overview of the content and the impact of the individual determinants. On the basis of this knowledge, will the students gain an understanding of how we can measure a firm's innovative capacity in order to establish whether there is consistency between the company's wishes and their actual performance. In addition, the students learn to draw up proposals for the improvement of a firm's innovative capacity, taking into account of the company's strategy and resources.



In recent years there has been focused on innovation. Most of them have a view that innovation is a crucial factor for Danish industry rights to exist in the future. That is why many, governmental and private individuals, institutions put enlarged focus in the area. Also in many different disciplines deals with how we can improve business innovation. National economists, organization peoples, psychologist, engineers, designers and marketing economists have each their approach to innovation problem. In the course we will open up to the various approaches and thereby to establish a comprehensive of the key determinants of innovation creating in a company or institution.


We will have focused on following main areas:


  • The organizational about influence on the company's innovation tendency. There will be taken based on the concept process of change management with a view to an assessment of various organization and leaderships influence on its ability to generate innovation, which gives it a competitive better position.
  • Processes. How organized and directed innovation with a view to optimize the innovative yield and guarantee the implementation of good ideas?
  • Creative processes suitability for creating innovation. Innovation centers in and outside the company (Inkubatorier). How built up such innovation centers and how organized and managed the creative processes.
  • How to create innovation through various forms of external cooperation. How selected partner and how formalized and controlled cooperation?
  • Knowledge collection and knowledge spread in the Organization, including market and technology knowledge
  • Strategy. How can the company's strategy development conducive to innovation ability.
  • The design processes. Design as central instrument of innovation. The link between psychological and functional customer values.
  • Intrapreneurer. Process of change agents' role in innovation processes. How handled these organizational to optimize the return?


There will be more teachers affiliated teaching the profession, to give the students such a differentiated understanding of the subject as possible. It will be tried to make education as practical as possible, but profession will require a somewhat abstract this ability of the students.


Personlig udvikling


The ability to combine many different course disciplines and make decisions on an uncertain information basis. Overview.

Faglige forudsætninger


The courses: Strategy and leadership, marketing and product development. 



Can be disclosed upon inquiry

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


Teaching methods vary between lectures, class discussions and student presentations





A collection of articles

Læringsmetoder i %


Forelæsning/gæsteforelæsning                   35 %

Klassediskussioner                                   25 %

Studenterpræsentationer                            20 %

Cases og præsentationer                            20 %



See "Literature"


None required


The mark must be 02 or higher

Kriterier for målopnåelse

In Danish:


Den studerende skal kunne følgende:


  • vise godt kendskab til den obligatoriske litteratur.


  • kunne foretage en selvstændig fremstilling ved evalueringen


  • udvise god forståelse for innovationsteoriens helhed og de centrale innovationsdeterminanter


  • udvise god forståelse for enkelt- modeller og teoriers intentioner og anvendelighed


  • kunne forstå enkeltmodellers komparative anvendelighed i forhold til alternative modeller/metoder


  • kunne vurdere forskellige determinanters betydning i i forskellige praktiske situationer.


  • kunne henvise til relevante forfattere/teorier med henblik på at kunne udarbejde forslag til forbedring af en virksomheds innovationsevne



In connection with the evaluation of this course, students will prepare 2 written project reports:

  1. Mini group report (15 pages, max.). In this report students must assess the innovation abilities of a specific company. If there is a gap between the desired and the actual innovation ability? Furthermore, students must come up with suggestions to important focus areas in connection with the innovation improvement of the company. The report is presented by the whole project group (20 min.).
  2. Individual theoretical synopsis (1 page, max.). The synopsis can take its starting point in one or more of the articles from the article collection - or the student can choose other literature.

On basis of the above-mentioned reports an individual oral exam will be carried out (15 minutes). 

An external censor/examiner is present during the examination.