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Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på, i hvor høj grad den studerende
In the first year, we studied the structure of English sentences. This valgfag will extend and support the knowledge and the skills you acquired in the first year, and it will also offer answers to some of the questions that could not be answered in the first year.
The class is comparative in two ways. We will compare the syntax of English to that of other languages, in particular to Danish, and we will also compare different theoretical approaches.
The main similarities and differences between English and Danish that we will examine concern
(because he has not read it vs. fordi han ikke har læst den )
We will also explore the differences between a generative approach on one hand and the most commonly used approach to Danish word order on the other. The latter is based on Diderichsen (1946) and used in all Nordic Departments in Denmark. (Diderichsen, Paul: 1946, Elementær Dansk Grammatik , Gyldendal, Copenhagen (3rd edition, 1962).)
There will also be some comparison with other languages, for example, French, German, Icelandic, Italian, and also older stages of English. It is absolutely not necessary to know any language other than English (although knowledge of Danish will come in handy), and all non-English examples will be glossed in English.
Sten Vikner
Undervisningen i disciplinen foregår på hold, og der lægges vægt på arbejdsformer, der kan omfatte læsning af primær- og sekundærtekster, skriftlige opgaver og/eller mundtlige bidrag fra de studerende, holddiskussioner samt gruppearbejde.
Reading materials will be made available electronically on First Class.
Mundtlig prøver eller undervisningsdeltagelse eller fri skriftlig hjemmeopgave.
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