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4890: Project oriented topics - 10 ects MSc, MA ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau: Optinal written assignment, MSc, Master of Social Science.  
  • Semester/kvarter: Every semester  
  • Timer per uge: Supervision as needed  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28704


Learning objectives
After completing the project at a company the student should be able to:
• Formulate a well-defined economic problem based on a specific project at a company (includes agencies and similar organizations).
• Argue for the relevance of the problem formulation
• Identify relevant literature and compare on its strengths and weaknesses related to the problem formulation.
• Apply economic tools and methods to analyze the economic problem.
• Relate the conclusions of the analyses
• Discuss the methodology used.
• Apply a scientific, clear and concise language to present the analysis.



Course description
Project oriented topics is a special course of study used for students writing a paper in connection with their work at a company or agency. The subject of the paper must be accepted by a faculty member who will act as a supervisor.
The paper may form the basis for an oral examination. When the paper has been accepted and the student has handed in copies to the supervisor, the student will also have signed up for the exam.
The title of the paper will be indicated on the student's course diploma.


Faglige forudsætninger

At least two months of full time work at the company or agency.



Faculty member from the relevant subject area of the topic. In addition, a external supervisor must be appointed at the company or agency and this person must certify the full time workload.


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Type of course / teaching methods (Undervisnings- og arbejdsform):

A project oriented topic consists of three parts:
1. working at a company
    a. at least 2 months of full time work
2. a short report ("project report") about the scientific relevant aspects of the work at the company
   a. at most 2 pages long
   b. based on e.g. writing a log
3. scientific paper ("paper") using the work at the company as input
   a. at most 20 pages
   b. abstract in English of a length at most 200 words

It is the responsibility of the student to find and write a contract with a company. The contract must specify the work problems, the amount of work hours and the name of a supervisor at the company ("external supervisor"). The description of the work problems should be so precise that the relevance of the work problems to the scientific paper can be determined.
The student must choose a faculty member as supervisor. The paper must be agreed upon with the supervisor, who may also provide a list of possible required reading




Main literature must be approved by the supervisor.



  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
  • 5 xxxxx

The paper is graded using the 7-point scale.
The paper must be handed in at a date determined by the supervisor. The date can be no later than 2 months after completion of the work at the company.
The course does not count towards fulfillment of the requirement for written work.

Assessment methods (Prøveform):
Home assignment. The supervisor decides whether to hold an oral examination (25 minutes). Such an exam should be no later than 5 weeks after the deadline for the paper.
One copy is handed to the supervisor. If there is an oral exam, two copies are handed to the supervisor.