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5255: Strategy and Management in Public and Public-Private Organizations ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Master's level course, elective project based (4555)  
  • Semester/kvarter: Autumn 2011  
  • Timer per uge: 4 hours per week for the first half semester. The total i equivalent to 10 ECTS. Timetables can be found at: http://econ.au.dk/studies/teaching-and-examination/teaching/timetables/ 
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: The course is restricted to 30 participants, who all have at least a B.Sc. in Economics and Management, or a BA in Business Administration.  
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28686


1. Comparing public and private organizations
2. Modernization of the public sector and New Public Management
3. Organizations in between public and private (semi-public organizations)
4. Public and semi-public organizations in Denmark
5. Strategic management in public and semi-public organizations
6. Contracting out in public and semi-public organizations
7. Organizational behaviour in public and semi-public organizations
8. Organizational change and development in public and semi-public organizations




Public organizations and public-private organizations account for a major part of the economy. Therefore, there is a need for an understanding of these organizations and their characteristics, and also all the changes in public organizations today. The course aims at giving an understanding of public and semi-public organizations (like DONG, DSB, TV2) and especially in relation to different management theories and their potential application in these organizations. The course investigates contracting out/outsourcing, strategic management, organizational behaviour, and performance in relation to public and semi-public organizations. An understanding of public and semi-public organizations is essential both for people employed in the public sector, but also for private managers and consultants engaging with public and semi-public organizations.

- Compare and contrast public organizations and private companies

- Analyse organizations in between public and private (semi-public organizations)

- Analyse the changes in the public and semi-public organizations and sector due to New Public Management

- Apply different management theories on public and semi-public organizations

- Evaluate the pros and cons of different management theories in relation to public and semi-public organizations

- Reflect on different management theories usage in public and semi-public organizations


Faglige forudsætninger

A BSc. in Economics and Management, or a BA in Business Administration.

Organization, Strategy, Organizational Behaviour, as well as either Theories of the Firm or Organizational Change and Development.




Jesper Rosenberg Hansen


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, discussions, presentations in class, case analyses, project guidance.





1. Rainey, H. G. 2009. Understanding and Managing Public Organizations (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.

(approx. 250 pages)

2. Compulsory journal articles and book chapters: From (but not necessarily restricted to):

Beck Jorgensen, T. 1999. The public sector in an in-between time: Searching for new public values. Public Administration, 77(3): 565-584.

Boyne, G. A. 2002. Public and private management: What's the difference? Journal of Management Studies, 39(1): 97-122.

Brown, T. L., & Potoski, M. 2003. Contract-Management Capacity in Municipal and County Governments. Public Administration Review, 63(2): 153-164.

Brown, T. L., & Potoski, M. 2004. Managing the Public Service Market. Public Administration Review, 64(6): 656-668.

Brown, T. L., Potoski, M., & Van Slyke, D. M. 2006. Managing Public Service Contracts: Aligning Values, Institutions, and Markets. Public Administration Review, 66(3): 323-331.

Domberger, S., & Jensen, P. 1997. Contracting Out by the Public Sector: Theory, Evidence, Prospects. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 13(4): 67-78.

Ferlie, E. 2003. Quasi strategy: Strategic management in contemporary public sector. In A. M. Pettigrew, H. Thomas, & R. Whittington (Eds.), Handbook of Strategy and Management (pp279-298). London: Sage Publications Ltd.

Frumkin, P., & Galaskiewicz, J. 2004. Institutional isomorphism and public sector organizations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14(3), 283-307.

Greve, C. 2006. Public Management Reform in Denmark. Public Management Review, 8(1): 161-169.

Hood, C. 1991. A Public Management for All Seasons? Public Administration, 69(1): 3-19.

Kelman, S. 2005. Public Management Needs Help!. Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 967-969.

Kettl, D. F. 1993. Sharing Power: Public Governance and Private Markets. Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution. (excerpt)

Meyer, R. E., & Hammerschmid, G. 2006. Changing Institutional Logics and Executive Identities. A Managerial Challenge to Public Administration in Austria. American Behavioral Scientist, 49(7): 1000-1014.

Moore, M. H. 2000. Managing for value: Organizational strategy in for-profit, nonprofit, and governmental organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 29(1): 183-204.

Olsen, J. 2006. Maybe it is time to rediscover bureaucracy. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16(1): 1-24.

Pollitt, C., & Bouckaert, G. 2004. Public Management Reform (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (excerpt)

Pollitt, C., Caulfield, J., Smullen, A., & Talbot, C. 2004. Agencies: How governments do things through semi-autonomous organizations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (excerpt)

Prager, J. 1994. Contracting Out Government Services: Lessons from the Private Sector. Public Administration Review, 54(2): 176-184.

Ring, P. S., & Perry, J. L. (1985) Strategic management in public and private organizations: Implications of distinctive contexts and constraints. The Academy of Management Review, 10(2): 276-286.

Van Wart, M. 2003. Public-sector leadership theory: An assessment. Public administration review, 63(2): 214-228.

Wright, B. E. 2001 Public-Sector Work Motivation: A Review of the Current Literature and a Revised Conceptual Model. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 11(4): 559-586

(approx. 300 pages)

3. Research material for developing the paper equivalent of about 100 pages

4. Lecture notes, case material and maybe some newspaper articles - not compulsory.

Pages in total: Approx. 650




  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur
  • 5 xxxxx

Hand in project report in groups or single (15 pages per person) (including references, and footnotes).

There will be an individual oral exam of 20 minutes' duration based on the written project.

Examination aids: None, except the project report