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5427: Economics of Education ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Elective project-based MSc/IMSQE course
  • Semester/kvarter: Every 4th semester
  • Timer per uge: 3 hours per week for 8 weeks. Timetables can be found at: http://econ.au.dk/studies/teaching-and-examination/teaching/timetables/
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 33036


 The students should be able to

            " Analyze economic aspects of educational choice and educational policy from a microeconomic perspective

            " Compare, relate and reflect on the different theoretical and empirical methods that are used to analyze educational choice and educational policy.

            " Formulate and apply the microeconometric models that are used in the course and describe what identifying assumptions they are based on


The course takes a tour through the part of modern labour economics which focuses on the economics of education. The main focus is on empirical and theoretical investigations of educational investments and decisions from a microeconomic perspective. The choice of topics varies according to the most recent research agenda in the micro-oriented literature. Human capital theory forms the basis for the field. In addition to that, focus will be on studies of the causal impact of family background, resources and choices on educational outcomes. Thus natural topics to include are: intergenerational transmission of human capital, economic incentives in the education sector, class size effects, peer effects, teacher quality.

In addition, topics from other, but strongly related, fields may also be included. This could be questions related to family, crime and health (to mention some obvious candidates).


1. Introduction, Human Capital Theory and Signaling Theory of Education
2. Intergenerational transmission and Financial aid
3. Educational Production Function and School resources
4. Peer effects and Teacher quality
5. Non-pecuniary returns I - Human capital and Crime
6. Non-pecuniary returns II - Human capital and Health
7. Early Accumulation of Human capital
8. School starting age


Faglige forudsætninger

BSc in Economics and Management or equivalent plus: 4402: The Economics of Search and Matching, or 4407: Labour Economics, or 4415: Micro 2, or 4630: Microeconometrics


Helena Skyt Nielsen & Sanni Nørgaard Breining

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

When the 8 lectures are done the students will (preferably in groups) produce a written assignment. The assignment should be based on the material covered by the lectures and is limited to 15 pages per student.



  • Angrist, J. D. and K. Lang, (2004) "Does School Integration Generate Peer Effects? Evidence from Boston's Metco Program." American Economic Review 94(5): 1613-1634.
  • Arcidiacono, P., P. Bayer and A. Hizmo (2010), "Beyond Signaling and Human Capital: Education and the Revelation of Ability." American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 2: 76-104
  • Baker, M., J. Gruber and K. Milligan (2008), "Universal childcare, maternal labor supply, and family well-being"  Journal of Political Economy 116 (4): 709-45.
  • Belley, P. and L. Lochner. (2007), "The Changing Role of Family Income and Ability in Determining Educational Achievement". Journal of Human Capital 1(1) 37-89. (appendix and section V is supplementary reading)
  • Black, Devereux and Salvanes (2011), "Too Young to Leave the Nest: The Effects of School-starting Age," Review of Economics and Statistics 93(2): 455-467.
  • Cahuc, P. and A. Zylberberg (2004), "Education and Human Capital." Ch. 2 in Labor Economics, MIT Press.
  • Cunha, Heckman and Lochner & Masterov (2006), "Intepreting the Evidence on Life-Cycle Skill Formation" Ch. 12. in E. Hanushek and F. Welsh Handbook of the Economics of Education. North-Holland, pp. 700-729, 750-775.
  • Datta Gupta, N. and M. Simonsen (2010), "Non-cognitive Child Outcomes and Universal Child Care." Journal of Public Economics 94 (1-2): 30-43.
  • Deming, D. and S. Dynarski (2008), "The Lengthening of Childhood." Journal of Economic Perspectives 22 (3): 71-92.
  • Dhuey, E. and S. Lipscomb (2010), "Disabled or young? Relative age and special education diagnoses in schools " Economics of Education Review 29: 857-872.
  • Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. and Oosterbeek, H. (2011) "Long-Term Effects of Class Size". IZA Discussion Paper No. 5879.
  • Havnes, T. and M. Mogstad (2011), "No Child Left Behind: Subsidized Child Care and Children's Long-Run Outcomes" forthcoming American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
  • Hoffman, F & P. Oreopoulos (2009), "Professor Qualities and Student Achievement." Review of Economics and Statistics. 81(1): 83-92.
  • Holland, P. (1986) "Statistics and Causal Inference." Journal of the American Statistical Association 81: 945-949.
  • Holmlund,  H., M. Lindahl and E. Plug (2008),  "The Causal Effect of Parent's Schooling on Children's Schooling: A Comparison of Estimation Methods." IZA WP 3630.
  • Humlum, M. K. and R. M. Vejlin (2011), "The Responses of Youth to a Cash Transfer Conditional on Schooling: A Quasi-Experimental Study". Forthcoming in Journal of Applied Econometrics.
  • Jacob, B. A. & L. Lefgren (2003), "Are Idle Hands the Devil's Workshop? Incapacitation, Concentration and Juvenile Crime." American Economic Review 93: 1560-1577.
  • Kuziemko, I. (2006) "Using Shocks to School Enrollment to Estimate the Effect of /School Size/ on Student Achievement." Economics of Education Review 25(1):63-75.
  • Lochner, L. & E. Moretti (2004), "The Effect of Education on Crime: Evidence from Prison Inmates, Arrests and Self-Reports" American Economic Review 94: 155-189.
  • Meghir, C., Palme, M. and Simeonova, E. (2011), "Education, Health and Mortality: Evidence from a Social Expiriment." Draft (July 16th, 2011)
  • Oreopoulos, P. and K. G. Salvanes (2011), "Priceless: The Nonpecuniary Benefits of Schooling" Journal of Economic Perspectives 25 (1): 159-184.
  • Puhani, P. A. and A. Mühlenweg (2010), "The Evolution of the School-Entry Age Effect in a School Tracking System." Journal of Human Resources 45: 407 - 438.
  • Rothstein, J. (2010), "Teacher Quality in Educational Production: Tracking, Decay, and Student Achievement. " Quarterly Journal of Economics 125(1):175-214.
  • Sacerdote, B. (2011), "Peer Effects in Education: How Might They Work, How Big Are They and How Much Do we Know Thus Far." Ch 4 in (Hanuscek, Machin and Woessman) Handbook of Economics of Education vol. 3, Elsevier.
  • Smith, J. (2004) "Evaluating Local Economic Development Policies: Theory and Practice." In Alistair Nolan and Ging Wong, eds., Paris: OECD, 287-332.
  • Teen, S., Herman, D. A. and Wendling, B., (2010), "The role of education in the production of health: An empirical analysis of smoking behavior." Journal of Health Economics 29: 404-417
  • Todd, P. and K. Wolpin. (2003) "On the Specification and Estimation of the Production Function for Cognitive Achievement," Economic Journal, 113: F3-F33
  • Webbinka, D., Martinb, N. G., P. M. Visscherb (2010), "Does education reduce the probability of being overweight?". Journal of Health Economics 29: 29-38.


  • Hj.opg. + Mdt., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur
  • 5 xxxxx

Oral exam without preparation based on project report (20 min.). The weight of the oral exam is 2/3 and the weight of the project report is 1/3.