6302: Economic Modeling and Inference ( efterår 2011 - 5 ECTS )
Rammer for udbud
Elective MSc/IMSQE/PhD course
Summer school, intensive one-week course
Timer per uge:
20 hours of lectures/exercises in one week
Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Udbud ID:
After completion of the course, it is expected that the student can:
explain the general modeling techniques presented in the course and apply them to specific problems similar to those studied in the course
explain how the results in the specific models are derived
provide and discuss economic interpretations of the models and the results
evaluate and compare the assumptions and results of different models
The course covers identification and estimation of stochastic dynamic programming models. Sources of error (measurement error, imperfect control, random utility) are treated. Applications are drawn from macroeconomics, labor, finance, marketing, and applied microeconomics. The lectures include occasional discussions of exercises.
Course subject areas:
Stochastic dynamic programming in discrete and continuous time
Estimation of dynamic programming models by maximum likelihood and GMM
Measurement error, imperfect control, random utility
Finite and infinite horizon, discrete and continuous states and controls
Macroeconomic applications: Consumption, labor demand and supply, asset pricing, time to build, time inconsistency of optimal plans, money
Labor applications: Job search, retirement, wage distribution, unemployment, absenteeism, schooling and occupational choice
Finance applications: Option pricing, portfolio choice, hedging, asset allocation, term structure analysis, stochastic volatility and jumps, volatility forecasting
Marketing applications: Advertising campaigns, cost of price adjustments, direct mailing of catalogs, purchase histories
Microeconomic applications: Patents, engine maintenance and replacement, fertility and child mortality, scrapping subsidies
Econometrics: Cross-section, time series, and panel data methods
Faglige forudsætninger
3620 Econometrics
Bent Jesper Christensen
Undervisnings- og arbejdsform
Lectures and exercises
Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
5 xxxxx
Form of assessment: Take-home exam
Examination aids allowed: All