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Analysing European Political Institutions ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Master
  • Semester/kvarter: 1st semester
  • Timer per uge: 3 hours, Friday 8-11 in Room 247, Building 1411
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: max. 35 participants
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28633


In the final evaluation it will be taken into account to what extent the
- demonstrates knowledge of the European institutions dealt
with during the course;
- demonstrates knowledge of the formal and informal working
of and the decision-making processes in Europe political
- demonstrates knowledge of the relevant theories;
- demonstrates knowledge of the course literature.


The objective is to introduce the student to the development and
functioning of European political institutions. The purpose is furthermore to
give the student an understanding of the formal and informal political
processes of the functioning of these institutions and to allow the student to
work with some of the theories introduced during the course Theories of
Culture and Society in relation to specific cases.

Faglige forudsætninger



Christina Fiig

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Instructions will typically take the form of lectures, class discussions,
research activities and tuition in smaller groups. During the lectures the
main points from the syllabus will be explained and put into perspective. In
class discussions and through tuition the student will have the opportunity
to discuss and reflect how to analyse developments in European institutions.
Moreover the students may be expected to work in a student research
group and to discuss ongoing research progress during seminars.



A collection of relevant texts will be available before semester start

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i europastudier

  • Fri hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur
  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur