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GM DSP1 - Final Dissertation Project ( efterår 2011 - 30 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 7th semester
  • Timer per uge: The student must work full time, i.e. approximately 37 - 50 hours per week.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26104


The objectives of the final project is twofold; a testing of the student within a limited field of the Global Manufacturing and Management education together with an opportunity for the student to gain an in depth insight and knowledge of a well defined area.


It is therefore the purpose of the final project to give the student the opportunity to independently identify a concrete and relevant problem field. The problem field is often, based in a theoretical speculation or a company specified task. The problem field is, hereafter to be worked and transformed into a final initialising problem formulation, whereby the student gains an opportunity to highlight, understand, and thereby gain knowledge concerning the consequences associated with the chosen methodology.


The students will simultaneously, and /or after the methodical considerations independently seek knowledge concerning relevant theories, tools, and/or models within the defined problem area of the project. The empirical handling of the problem area will enable the student to expand his/her level of knowledge of various data collection methods, including all considerations surrounding data quality.


The second objective of the final project is to function as a test/validation of the Global Manufacturing and Manufacturing education. In connection with this, the student will be able to develop their competencies in the fields of written formulation, oral argumentation and presentation skills in illuminating a complex and professional problem area.


The subject matter chosen by the student is to be approved by AU-IBT. AU-IBT will brief the appointed mentor.


The education relevant content of this module has its roots within the theoretical sphere the Global Manufacturing and Management education has imparted to the student during the course of their education.

Such areas could be for example:

Ø Production techniques and internal logistics

Ø Environmental management and quality control

Ø Management, including project management and economics

Ø Product development and technology analysis/development

Ø Logistics, purchasing and supply chain management

Ø Strategic processes, (corporate, business unit, function strategies)


Project work will be weighted toward methodology, so that the individual student will have to process considerations concerning initial problem/s, problem formulation, choice of methodology, quality of data, etc.

Through the project process, the student will:

Ø Execute engineering routines within the scope of studies, including project orientated behaviour

Ø Find and exploit relevant theoretical methods, models and tools, (for example; scientific-, economic-, technological-, knowledge). Show competence in mathematical/analytical methods, problem-solving techniques and other systematic work methods.

Ø Plan own work and validate use of project management tools, (i.e. MS-project)

Ø Exchange values and skills between the educational and professional/business worlds

Ø Reflect upon the knowledge accumulated so that it is of practical use

Ø Compile a main report within which is described: professional considerations, theoretical/practical aspects, and the methodical considerations. Furthermore, the report is to contain implementation considerations together with an analysis of economic implications of the recommended solutions

Ø Compile either an executive summary of the main report or summary which will enable the leadership of the company to form a decision

Ø Compile a process report as is found fit. This process report is NOT delivered to the company





Delivery of a report for evaluation is identical to the begun evaluation.




Three copies of the report are to be delivered to study administration. These are to contain main project report

including appendices, together with any eventual process reports and/or executive summaries. In addition to the printed matter, a CD is to be delivered containing a print-ready version of the report.


The student will hand one of the reports delivered over to the company.



There is normally a timeframe of 16 weeks of full-time work for the project.

The final delivery date is agreed upon during the final week of the project.

Faglige forudsætninger

All previous education courses are to be completed with a satisfactory conclusion, (approved or a minimum grade of 6 (i.e. 02 in accordance with the new 7-step scale).


An approved internship, or merit for this, is a prerequisite.


John Bang Mathiassen (responsible)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The final project is to be independently completed by the student/s, AU-IBT offer a guidance counsellor to each group, (max. 15 hours including a visit to the focal company).




Project report with oral defence.

External censorship.