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GM MAN1 Management ( efterår 2011 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 3 rd semester
  • Timer per uge: 62 lessons in total. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 40 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 26099


The objective of the course is to provide the student with knowledge about research and central theories within central areas of quality and environmental management and the area of employment law.


In addition, the objective is to enable the student to give an account of this knowledge, use this knowledge in the terms of the issues related to the subject area as well as to formulate an account of the knowledge in a scientific and practical way on completion of the course.


Within the area of quality management the aim of this course is to:

  • Broaden the student's knowledge of the quality management standards available, and to be able to estimate the need for or ability to get quality certificates.
  • It is to make the student capable of estimating and applying the technical and mathematical methods available for input, output and production control and measuring techniques.
  • It is to be able to suggest methods for analysis of the quality level of a company.
  • To provide the student with understanding of the significance of quality work throughout a company, and to be able to estimate the quality state of a company
  • And to provide the student with knowledge about Directive 98/37/EC of the European Parliament, relating to machinery.

Within the area of Environmental Management the aim of this course is to:

  • To provide the student with knowledge of the external environment's impact on society, industry and the individual
  • To provide the student with knowledge of the disciplines that concern environmental management, in order to achieve the ability to interpret and solve environmental management issues. Furthermore the student must be capable of interpreting present standards on the environmental management area and to put these in to practical use
  • The student must be able to recognize the present environmental legislation and to value the environmental issues of the company
  • The student must achieve knowledge of how to apply environmental management in a company


Within the area of employment law the course aim is to:

  • Provide the student with the fundamental access of employment law
  • To introduce the student to employment relationship, contracts of employment, discrimination in employment and health and safety issues of work
  • To give the student knowledge of the importance of personal and company network

Personal development

The goal is that the student

  • is capable of working with the different phases of quality management and environmental management
  • is capable of making decisions on a scientific basis
  • is capable of reflecting over the practical use of the theories taught is the course and is able to use the different theories, strategies, methods and tools when appropriate
  • is capable of delivering and prospecting the results of the different analysis at a scientific level

Faglige forudsætninger

It is required that 1 st and 2 nd semester has been passed and that the student is enrolled in the course CPR3


Poul Erik Borg (main responsible)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course is a combination of the following:


Project-/problem-oriented teaching


Class discussions


Cases and presentation


John S. Oakland "Total Quality Management"

Ken Whitelaw "ISO 14001 - Environmental systems handbook"


John Duddington "Employment laws"


Scientific based articles and notes (library, BlackBoard or handouts).

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Lecture 10 %

Project-/problem-oriented teaching 10 %

Self-study 65 %

Class discussions 5 %

Cases and presentation 10 %


Required/recommended reading

App. 600 pages


Se "Literature"

IT skills

Programme Level

PowerPoint Test - is able to use and test (3)

Requirements for passing an examination

The mark given at the exam must be at least 02 or above to pass the course.

Criteria for achieving objectives

The student must be able to give an account of the acquired knowledge within the central areas of quality and environmental management and employment law by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of literary approaches to employment law and quality and environmental management

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· (discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach and its arguments on a literary, systematic basis)


In addition, the student must be able to use own acquired knowledge within the subject area by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of single literary approaches to issues related to the subject (adequate to be able to identify, term and paraphrase)

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the subject (wider and more detailed to be able to identify, term and paraphrase)

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the subject (to be able to describe, list)

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different literary approaches for solving issues and their solution contribution in a literary way (to be able to understand, explain, analyse, use)


Finally, the student must be able to formulate the knowledge within the subject area by cumulatively to

· give an account of knowledge and use of knowledge in an easily understandable way

· give an account of knowledge and use of knowledge in a well-structured way and with good efficiency (only include content which is relevant to the subject)

· Give an account of knowledge and use of knowledge in a clear and explicit didactic, explanation- and/or comprehension-oriented with metacommunication when necessary and well-placed. Is able to apply scientific standard modes of expression adapted to - or developed in relation to the subject and the task.


Oral examination incl. preparation