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GM TVP1 Interdisciplinary Project I ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: BSc in Engineering (GMM)
  • Semester/kvarter: 1st semester
  • Timer per uge: Approx. 8 hours per week for 7 weeks
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: -
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 33140


The objective of the course will be to provide each student a comprehensive introduction to Market understanding, Concept- and product development, Product documentation and Product specifications

The cross-functional understanding will prepare the course participants to function as manufacturing engineers in complex international or cultural diverse settings.

By market understanding the student will get knowledge about some major marketing models, and he will learn how customer needs and demands affect a company's product development. Finally the student will learn how to make market- and customer analysis.

By Concept- and product development the student will learn how to identify customer needs, and how to transfer them into target specifications. The student should be able to join some creative processes and generate and screen concept ideas. Finally the student must get knowledge about how to schedule a product development process.

By product documentation and product specification the student will learn how to define product specifications based on a concept and how to define the specifications in relation to the concept and the technical and financial possibilities

The objective of this first interdisciplinary project is furthermore to provide the students with

- Knowledge about project writing

- Practical knowledge about planning and solving a defined problem within a given timetable

- Knowledge of and practical training in team work

- Basic knowledge of global operations management through a description,   documentation and production of a specific product by means of well known theoretical models and practical knowledge

In addition the objective of this interdisciplinary project to: 

- Start the learning process in training the student to reflect over the gained knowledge at the program so that they can use this knowledge in the best possible way in practice.  

- Ensure that the student acquires routine in the self-understanding of the
profession and its practice community.

- Train the student in independent work

- Train the student in working out project reports using methods based on theory
of science.



The overall subject area can be described by content of the project: 

The substance of the project description is as a minimum:

- A preliminary research 

Qualitative and/or quantitative

- Identifying customer needs

Ranking and prioritizing needs

- Product specifications (QFD)

- Concept generation

- Concept selection

- Prototyping

- A calculation of the optimal market price

- A complete set of drawings based on surveying of a specific model

The drawings must be drawn up in Pro/E

- A complete bill of materials showing the component structure and the quantities required

- A complete description of the materials used in each component for documentation use

- A complete description of the materials for purchasing use

- A description of the necessary type of facilities and technology needed in order
to assemble the product

- A process layout for the assembly operation including the tasks to be performed at each part of the system

- A budget estimate for investment in machines

- A calculation on the product showing the average variable

Costs of a estimated production of 100 units

- A study of the possibilities for outsourcing the production or parts of the production to a sub-contractor in e.g. China or India

- Other relevant issues can be included.

The project must be presented in a main report, a management report and a
process report.

- The main report has a max. length of 50 standard pages.

- The management report has a max length of 3 pages

- The process report has a max. length of 7 pages

Faglige forudsætninger

Concurrently with the project, the student must attend the courses GKO 1, GPD 1 and MEL1.


Poul Erik Nielsen, primarily

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


Classroom teaching

Group work

Self study



See the booklists on BlackBoard
