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Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: BA
  • Semester/kvarter: 3. semester
  • Timer per uge: 3 Mandag 11-14 i lok. 120, bygn. 1584
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 35
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 30395


Ved bedømmelsen af prøvepræstationen vil der blive lagt vægt på i hvor høj grad den studerende:

  • evner at kombinere teorier og metoder vedrørende emnet verdenslitteratur med selvstændigt analysearbejde
  • kan foretage og formidle en komparativ analyse af to eller flere værker
  • udviser indsigt i forskellige læsestrategier vedrørende verdenslitteratur
  • demonstrer evne til at arbejde tværfagligt


Within the past ten years, World Literature has become a subject that has known a wide expansion in the study of the cultural, transnational, political and economical functions of literature in a globalized world. World Literature characterizes specific reading strategies of the aforementioned aspects. The course will initially present in four lectures such reading strategies and with them the topic of World Literature in contemporary literary and cultural research. After this introduction, we will focus on various local regional and linguistic understandings of literature in global conditions, through a variety of chosen study-projects. The focus will be set on studies of (according to the choice of the participants), for example, European, Anglo-American, South-American, Asian (Indian, Chinese) and Arabic literary cultures. The purpose will be to understand World-Literature as a notion and a reading strategy that can define the understanding of literature through the analysis of the transnational exchanges of culture, aesthetics, politics and media in a globalized world. Subjects such as translation, economics, media and changes in national and international identities in the perspective of globalization will also be evoked.

Faglige forudsætninger



Jørn Erslev Andersen, Center for World Literature Studies

Kurset udbydes af studienævnet for æstetiske fag. 

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course is organized by the Center for World Literature Studies (CVS - http://www.cvs.au.dk/ ) and will involve teachers from this center. After the four introductory classes with four guest lecturers on the topic of World Literature as a notion and a reading strategy, there will be a one-month project phase, in which the participants, individually or in study groups, will have to work out on a project (either oral or written), that will be presented and discussed in common during the last four sessions of the course. During the project phase, the teachers from the Center for World Literature Studies will help and advise within their academic specialties. Literature from the following languages can be used: English, French, German, Chinese, Arabic, Indian, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian and Czech. The purpose is to have students who can read one or more of these languages read the texts in their original form, while the others read the texts in their English translation. The primary texts will be chosen in accordance to their availability in English.




David Damrosch, What is World Literature? , Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003

Karen-Margrethe Simonsen et al. (eds.), World Literature, World Culture. History, Theory, Analysis , Århus: Aarhus UP, 2008

Mads Rosendahl Thomsen (ed.), Verdenslitterær kritik og teori , Århus: Aarhus UP, 2008 (extracts in English transl.)

Dan Ringgaard et al. (eds.), Litteratur i bevægelse. Nye tilgange til verdenslitteratur , Århus: Aarhus UP, 2010 (extracts in English transl.)


Prøveform: Fri skriftlig opgave

Bedømmelse: 7-skala med intern censur



Omfang: 8 - 10 sider

Bemærkninger: Opgaven skal rumme en analyse af mindst to udvalgte litterære værker efter eget valg og med fokus på et eller flere af følgende emner: komparative analyser af værker fra mindst to forskellige regionale kulturer, litteraturhistoriske forhold, problemstillinger vedrørende oversættelse, markedsøkonomiske forhold, læsekulturelle forskelle mellem mindst to regionale kulturer, mediemæssige analyser, politiske emner og interartielle relationer.

Den skriftlige opgave kan udformes af en gruppe af studerende i fællesskab. Det skal i sådanne tilfælde fremgå, hvilke studerende der er ansvarlige for opgavens enkelte dele (indledning og konklusion undtaget).