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7501 Internationalt processpil (Vis Moot) ( efterår 2011 - 0 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Masters
  • Semester/kvarter: Autumn 2009 to Spring 2010, Autumn 2010 to Spring 2011, Autumn 2011 to Spring 2012.
  • Timer per uge: Subject to agreement
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: From 6 to 8 participants are chosen for the competition. Participants are chosen in April and in September of the year in question. Written applications should be submitted, and these form the basis for selection interviews. The deadlines for applications etc. are published on notice boards etc.
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28025

Tid og sted

A case is handed out at the beginning of October. The pleadings are then worked on until the end of January. When the last pleading has been submitted, a start is made on the exercises for the oral proceedings, ending with the competition itself, which is held in Easter week in Vienna.

The more detailed programme is laid down by agreement between the tutors and the chosen participants. In this connection there is consideration of the opportunity to take courses (and exams) in other subjects.


After participating in the competition students will be able to:

  • Give an account of the most important elements of international sales law and international arbitration
  • Describe the relevant legal principles and regulations briefly and accurately
  • Identify the key problems
  • Refer to the aids to interpretation in accordance with generally recognised legal methods
  • Present legal arguments for possible solutions.


The mooting competition is aimed in particular at students who want to work with CISG and arbitration.

The students are split into two groups which work independently in order to find the relevant cases, literature etc. with a view to preparing pleadings for a fictitious arbitration case.

Following this, the students work with two attorneys as tutors for the oral proceedings, and the students take part in a number of practice exercises in Denmark and abroad.

Faglige forudsætninger

Written and spoken English at an advanced level.

Participants have the possibility of following courses that are relevant to the competition, regardless of whether they have registered for the courses or whether such a course is over-subscribed. However, it is only possible to enter for the exam if the student has been registered for the course according to the normal rules.

This possibility applies to the following courses:

  • CISG
  • Comparative Law and Sales
  • Danish and International Arbitration
  • Procedure.


Two tutors are allocated to the oral part and two tutors are allocated to the written part.

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Independent work for the written and oral parts, with tutors.



The problem set for the year in question and relevant case reports and legal texts. At least one month before the exam is held, each student makes a list of the relevant case reports and legal texts.

Supplementary reading:

Joseph Lookofsky: Understanding the CISG, Third (Worldwide) Edition (2008).

Alan Redfern et al.: Law and Practice of International Commercial Arbitration, Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell 2004, Chapter 2 (pp. 89-154), Chapter 3 (pp. 155-209), Chapter 5 (5-30 to 5-62) (pp. 295-311), Chapter 7 (pp. 388-415), Chapter 8 (pp. 416-478), Chapter 9 (pp. 479-509), and Chapter 10 (pp. 510-561).


Oral exam in English.

Students are required to give an account of the legal problems that are relevant to the problem set for the year in question. Thereafter they are examined on a question falling within the relevant syllabus.

Students can choose whether they want their participation in this course to be counted towards their Masters degree. If an exam is not taken, participation can be counted as one study unit. If an exam is taken, participation can be counted as two graded study units.