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9503 Advanced Private International Law and International Arbitration (Elitemodul) ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Masters
  • Semester/kvarter: Autumn 2011
  • Timer per uge: 4
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 20
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28512

Tid og sted

Onsdag den 7/9-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1327, lokale 024
Onsdag den 14/9-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1327, lokale 024
Studietur til London: 28/9 - 1/10-11
Mandag den 3/10-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1325, lokale 136
Fredag den 14/10-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1253, lokale 317
Onsdag den 26/10-11 kl. 8-16 i bygning 1451, lokale 216
Onsdag den 2/11-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1325, lokale 136
Mandag den 7/11-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 2110, lokale 132
Fredag den 18/11-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1253, lokale 317
Onsdag den 23/11-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1325, lokale 136
Onsdag den 30/11-11 kl. 8-12 i bygning 1325, lokale 136

Eksamen den 5. og 6. januar 2012


The aim of the course is to provide the students with an insight into private international law and international arbitration within the field of commercial law.

By participating in the course, the students should attain

  • A broad overview of private international law and international arbitration within the field of commercial law, enabling the students to identify problems correctly and rapidly
  • The ability to comprehend and analyze highly complex problems of private international law and international arbitration
  • The skill to reduce the complexity of highly complex problems, and to explain their contents and consequences to others, both legal practioners and business men
  • The skill to distinguish between major and minor issues, and to arrive at the core of highly complex problems with speed and confidence
  • The ability to discuss highly complex problems of private international law and international arbitration, listening to, considering and commenting upon points put forward by other participants of the discussion
  • The skill to offer solutions to highly complex problems of private international law and international arbitration, and to make motivated choices between different possible solutions, weighing the pros and cons, based on both legal and practical considerations
  • The skill to draft certain clauses of commercial contracts, inter alia clauses relating to the choice of law and settlement by arbitration
  • The ability to present the above in a comprehensible manner, both in oral and written English.


The course is aimed at top level students who seek to pursue a career as an attorney-at-law or in-house counsel. By means of introduction, the course will focus on private international law within the European Union. Jurisdiction, choice of law, and enforcement are key topics of this part of the course which amounts to about one third of the whole course. International arbitration, and elements of international commercial law, make up the other two thirds of the course.

The Danish Act on Arbitration, which is based upon the UNCITRAL model law, will be dealt with at some length, as will the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York Convention from 1958), but in general it is the ambition to illustrate and discuss the problems of international arbitration by means of a number of international commercial cases. Some of the international attempts at harmonization of commercial law will also be incorporated into the course.

The course is planned to include a study visit to The London Court of Arbitration and The School of International Arbitration at London University. It is the ambition to include visits to internationally renowned law firms.

Faglige forudsætninger

The course is a part of the Elite Education Module.

Language skills in English are necessary


Professor Torsten Iversen, LL.D., Ph.D., LL.M. Guest lecturers to be announced.

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Lectures, student presentations, question and answer sessions, discussions, moot cases.

The students are expected to be extremely well prepared for each lesson so that questions can be asked, and discussions can take place on the background that the reading prescribed for each lesson is common knowledge to everybody in the class room. Roughly speaking, it is the ambition that, in the lessons, focus will be on cases and discussions, rather than on rules and text book definitions.

Further, the students are expected to participate actively throughout the course, especially by answering questions and participating in discussions, but also, among other things, by making small oral presentations, and by presenting rules or cases. If possible, diminutive moot cases will be set up, in which students are supposed to act as counsel to the claimant and the defendant and as arbitrators.



Ketilbjørn Hertz: Danish Arbitration Act 2005, DJØF Publishing 2005

Joseph Lookofsky and Ketilbjørn Hertz: EU-PIL. European Union Private International Law in Contract and Tort, DJØF Publishing 2009

Joseph Lookofsky and Ketilbjørn Hertz: Transnational Litigation and Commercial Arbitration, 3rd ed., DJØF Publishing 2011 (forthcoming).

Excerpts from Roy Goode, Herbert Kronke, Ewan McKendrick: Transnational Commercial Law. Text, cases, materials. Oxford University Press 2007.


Oral exam, taking its starting point in one or more practical cases, to be handed out to the students 24 hours prior to the commencing of the examinations.