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Ancient Greece and Rome - The Creation of European Culture ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: BA
  • Semester/kvarter: Efterår 2011/ Autumn 2011
  • Timer per uge: 2 timer. For en oversigt over undervisningsudbud, kopier og indsæt nedenstående link i din browser: http://aal.au.dk/klasark/uddannelse/undervis/laeseplan/
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 30
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 29506


In the evaluation of the student's performance, emphasis is placed on the student's general knowledge of the culture of Antiquity including the interplay between material relics, literature, history and social conditions.


This course aims to give the student a basic knowledge of the ancient world from Archaic Greece to Constantine the Great (ca. 700 BC - AD 337), a period of fundamental importance for the understanding of European culture. The various cultural periods will establish the framework for the study of the Greek and Roman societies with their political institutions and their pagan and religious centres. The course will concentrate on topics like urban centres and sanctuaries, architecture, pottery and vase-painting, mythology, sculpture and portraits together with major literary works, such as epic, the Greek tragedies, historiography and authors such as Sophocles, Thucydides, Cicero and Vergil.

Faglige forudsætninger

 Et udbud rettet kun mod udenlandske studerende.


Benedict Lowe (History and Classical Philology)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Primarily lecture format




P. MacKendrick and H. Howe, Classics in Translation volume 1: Roman Literature and volume 2: Greek Literature. University of Wisconsin Press.

T. Martin, Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times, Yale University Press.

P. Jones and K. Sidwell, The World of Rome, Cambridge University Press.

Course plan will appear in FirstClass by the middle of August

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Grundfaget i klassisk arkæologi

  • Skriftlig, bedømt efter Bestået/ikke bestået med intern censur

Active participation and a set written assignment under supervision. Duration: 4 hours