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Sprog og social interaktion - NY ORDNING ( efterår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: KA
  • Semester/kvarter: 1. semester
  • Timer per uge: 3
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 33525


In the evaluation, emphasis is placed on the extent to which the student

  • analyses interactional data in a methodologically sound manner;
  • displays an understanding of the resources used by participants in social interaction ;
  • displays an understanding of the real life concerns of participants in social interaction;
  • contemplates the choice of methodologies and the use of data (including ethical issues);
  • demonstrates knowledge and understanding of research literature within relevant subfields in the area of Language and Social Interaction.


Fokus på kurset i dette semester er hvordan vurderende ytringer anvendes i interaktion . Samtaler er fulde af vurderinger og vi vil undersøge hvad disse ytringer gør og hvorfor de øjensynlig er så centrale for samtaledeltagere. Med udgangspunkt i en grundlæggende forståelse af interaktion vil vi undersøge vurderingsaktiviteter i optagelser af naturligt forekommende interaktion.

Kurset starter med en metodologisk introduktion, der skal sikre at alle har fælles udgangspunkt. Samtidig med denne introduktion indsamler studerende optagelser af samtaler og transskriberer (dele af) dem. Disse optagelser vil - sammen med allerede optagne og transskriberede data - danne grundlag for studiet af vurderende ytringer. Studerende vil fokusere på vurderinger i udvalgte interaktionelle omgivelser, såsom historiefortællinger, problemfortællinger, beklagelser, komplimenter, informationssøgning m.m.

Faglige forudsætninger

Grundlæggende kendskab til interaktionsanalyse, svarende til et BA-kursus i Sprog i brug - samtaleanalyse, Samtaleanalyse el.lign. Studerende som ikke er sikre på om de opfylder disse forudsætninger, bedes henvende sig til underviseren.


Jakob Steensig

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The teaching is a combination of lectures, student contributions and discussions. Part of the course work will consist in presenting and discussing analyses of data from instances of social interaction. Students are expected to participate actively in the course.


Introduktionen vil bygge på Sidnell, Jack (2010) Conversation Analysis . An Introduction . Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Arbejdet med vurderende ytringer vil bygge på artikler som bl.a. følgende:

Goodwin, Charles (1986) ‘Between and within: alternative and sequential treatments of continuers and assessments', Human Studies 9: 205-18.

Goodwin, Charles, Marjorie Harness Goodwin (1992) ‘Assessments and the construction of context'. In: Duranti, A., Charles Goodwin, eds., Rethinking context: language as an interactive phenomenon . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 147-90

Heritage, John, Geoffrey Raymond (2005) ‘The terms of agreement: indexing epistemic authority and subordination in assessment sequences', Social Psychology Quarterly 68: 15-38

Jones, Charlotte M. (2001) ‘Missing assessments: lay and professional orientations in medical interviews', Text 21: 113-50

Lindström, Anna; Trine Heinemann (2009) Good enough: low-grade assessments in caregiving situations', Research on Language & Social Interaction, 42/4: 309 - 328

Lindström, Anna; Lorenza Mondada (2009) ‘Assessments in social interaction', Research on Language & Social Interaction, 42/4: 299 - 308

Mondada, Lorenza (2009) "The methodical organization of talking and eating: Assessments in dinner conversations", Food Quality and Preference 20/8:558-571

Mondada, Lorenza (2009) ‘The embodied and negotiated production of assessments in instructed actions', Research on Language & Social Interaction, 42/4: 329 - 361.

Peräkylä, Anssi, Johanna Ruusuvuori (2006) ‘Facial expression in an assessment'. In H. J. Knoblauch, J. Raab, H-G. Soeffner & B. Schnettler, eds. Video-Analysis: Methodology and Methods. Qualitative audiovisual data analysis in sociology . Frankfurt: Peter Lang: 127-142.

Pomerantz, Anita (1984) ‘Agreeing and disagreeing with assessments: some features of preferred/dispreferred turn shapes'. In: Atkinson, J. Maxwell, John Heritage, eds. Structures of Social Action: Studies in Conversation Analysis . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 57- 101

Sidnell, Jack (2009) ‘Language-specific resources in repair and assessments'. in: Jack Sidnell, ed. Conversation Analysis: Comparative Perspectives . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 304-25

Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i lingvistik

  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

The student submits a portfolio consisting of three separate papers, each analyzing interactional data. The first two papers are based on assignments completed during the course; these papers must be produced individually. The third paper is based on a topic that is chosen in agreement with the lecturer and can also be done as a group assignment. In the case of a group assignment, the product should (i) result in a coherent text and (ii) allow for individual assessment, i.e. it must be clearly indicated which section(s) each individual student has contributed to the whole (excluding the introduction, conclusion and list of references). Maximally three students can take part in a group assignment. The portfolio must include an account of data collection and use, and it must demonstrate knowledge and use of relevant research literature.

Scope: The two first papers: max. 5 pages (all included, except the front page with exam details, the title page, the table of contents and the list of references).  The third paper: max. 10 pages (all included, except the front page with exam details, the title page, the table of contents and the list of references).

Group assignment: max. 8 pages per individual (excluding: front page with exam details, title page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion and list of references); the introduction and the conclusion (combined) should not be longer than 4 pages.