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Summer school: Experimental Methods in the Study of Cognition and Culture (Teori og metode) ( forår 2011 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Master level
  • Semester/kvarter: 10 ECTS, Master level
  • Timer per uge: 4-week semester, from week commencing 1. August untill week commencing 22. august 2011.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 30
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Teologiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 30461


The overall objective of this course is to (a) give a thorough introduction to theories about the interface of cognitive processing, cultural learning ans social forms; (b) introduce and instruct particioants to concrete experimental methods pertaining to this theme.

Registration deadline on 15th March 2011


The interface between culture and cognition is a fast-developing resarch area attracting numerous schlars and scientists with different backgrounds. Neuroscientists, psyhologists, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, and humanists of various sorts seek to find out how evolved cognitive capacities, cultural learning and social and institutional forms intersct to constrain, og even produce, human behavior. Such interdisciplinary work not only calls for a high degree af translatability between terminologies found in each individual discipline. It further calls for knowledge abour, and experience with, different methodologies. This course is directed to students of human behavior who have a backgroun in social sciences or the humanities and an interest in using experimental methods in investigating their topic.


The course will combine top-level lectures by internationally renowned specialists with practical instructions, teaching and workshops aimed to enhance students' abilities to engage in concrete research projects that address well-defined research questions. The course thus aims to (a) sharpen participants' theoretical awareness through concrete instructions in a number of experimental methods (e.g. behavioral experiments, game theory, fMRI): (b)enhance their abilities to idntify and delineate relevant scientific problems; and to (c) construct realistic research projects through a 'hand-on-process' involving cooperation in small groups aimed at constructing, and perhaps piloting, concrete experiments.


Students will be expected to acquire the following competences: (a) delineate a particular research problem; (b) determine and describe relevant theoretical background and experimental findings; (c) construct an experimental research plan.

Faglige forudsætninger

BA-degree in humanities or social sciences. if number of applicants exceeds 30, selection will be based on grade point average.


Organised by the Section for the Study of Religion in cooperation with MIND Lab .

Contact person: Jesper Sørensen, jsn@teo.au.dk


Undervisnings- og arbejdsform



Tid og sted

AU Summer University 2011 (01-26 August 2011)

Bygning 1327, lokale 24 hver dag 8-16 i ugerne 31-33


Individual, oral exam, with an internal co-examiner. 30 minutes duration based on an synopsis (max. 5 pages) outlining relevant theoretical background, basic methodology and experimental design.

Grade4s: According to the Danish 7-point scale (compatible with international grading scales).