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Den studerende skal opnå kvalifikationer i form af viden, forståelse og færdigheder inden for følgende områder:
Gennem arbejdet med den faglige substans skal den studerende erhverve sig faglige kompetencer, der sætter denne i stand til at:
This course will approach the theme of secrecy or "esotericism" in Early Christianity and the Gospel texts from a literary-historical perspective, with particular focus on the development of esoteric literature and the speaking Jesus.
The first part of the course will cover the relevant theoretical background, including Western Esotericism, ancient esoteric traditions, and the development of Gospel genre. The second part will focus on textual analysis and methods for studying esotericism and esoteric speech in the Gospels and other ancient texts.
In particular, we will focus on the "Messianic secret" in the Gospel of Mark, and the speaking Jesus as an esoteric concept in the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Thomas.
Erin Wright og Eve Marie Becker
R.A. Burridge, What are the Gospels? Cambridge 1992 (SNTS);
A.Y. Collins, Mark. A Commentary , Minneapolis 2007 (Hermeneia);
A.D. DeConick, The Original Gospel of Thomas in Translation , London/New York 2007;
A. Faivre and W.J. Hanegraaff, Western Esotericism and the Science of Religion , Leuven 1998
C.S. Keener, The Gospel of John. A Commentary , Peabody 2003.
Tirsdag kl. 14-16, lokale 340
Torsdag kl. 9-11, lokale 238
Bunden, skriftlig tidages hjemmeopgave på op til 12 sider (28 800 typeenheder).