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5820: Topics in Economics and Management - 20 ECTS ( efterår 2011 - 20 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau:
  • Semester/kvarter: Every semester until further notice  
  • Timer per uge: As necessary  
  • Deltagerbegrænsning:
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 28746


As part of the Master's Programme, the student may choose to write one or more assignments for 20 ECTS credits each.

A 20 credit written project must (1) document the student's ability to independently master a defined subject which, due to specialization or association with similar topics, goes beyond topics in standard courses, and (2) practice the ability to prepare reader-friendly, written accounts of the knowledge acquired from such an independent study . The interpretation of "independent" will differ depending on the topic. In certain cases, it may be actual research, theoretic as well as empirical; in others, it may be a discussion of different views presented in the literature. In the latter case, the account may come close to a summary, but assignments should at least represent a critical approach to the views discussed.

In addition to the written account, the student, the supervisor and any co-students and perhaps the examiner will meet to discuss the assignment. Approval of the student's participation in the meeting is a precondition for having the assignment graded. The Board of Studies approves participation upon recommendation by the supervisor. The assignment is graded externally. The external examiner may be present at the oral presentation.

General rules for 20 ECTS-credit written projects:

1. Page limitations:
Theoretic assignment max. 40 standard pages
Empirical assignment max. 45 standard pages

Empirical assignments: Contain primary data (qualitative or quantitative) or a significant share of statistical description.

When planning the assignment, the supervisor and the student determine to which category the assignment belongs.

2. For a 20 ECTS-credit written project, a brief resume in English is typically prepared (or in another major language after agreement with the supervisor). The length of the resume should be ½ to ¾ of a page.

The resume is included in the overall assessment of the assignment.



As part of the Master's Programme, the student may choose to write one or more assignments for 20 ECTS credits each.


Faglige forudsætninger

Optional written assignment, Master's level



Faculty member from the research and teaching area of the topic paper



Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Students who want to prepare a topics paper should contact an approved professor (to become the supervisor) to discuss the contents of the topic. The topic must be agreed on with the supervisor, who may also provide a list of possible required reading. The paper (20 pages at most) must be handed in to the supervisor on the date agreed upon with him/her.

The Study Board for Economics and Management may approve the submission of a joint paper from two students. An exemption to hand in a joint paper will be allowed on the recommendation of the supervisor, and the application for such an exemption must be submitted to the Study Board before the thesis work is started.
An exemption to hand in a joint paper will only be granted if the nature and scope of the paper make it particularly suitable for this purpose.

The contribution of the individual students to the joint paper must be distinguishable from that of the other(s), which means that it must appear from the paper who is the author of its various parts, and each student must contribute with max. 20 pages.






Studieordning og bedømmelse

Suppleringsuddannelse i Duckpedia

  • Hj.opg., bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Home assignment and a meeting with the supervisor