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E EML1 Embedded Linux 1 (CU2005) 6 sem ( forår 2008 - 5 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 6 th semester - elective
  • Timer per uge: 39 hours in total. Hours per week varies.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 30 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 8154


With the Linux as a platform the objective for this course is to provide the student with knowledge of how to design software that interfaces the hardware and the userspace processes. In addition, the objective is to enable the student use this knowledge in the terms of realising a concrete project.


The overall subject area can be described by

  • An overview of the integration of hardware and software in the hardware driver
  • Overview of the architecture of embedded systems
  • Knowledge about how to program a hardware driver
  • Handling concurrency in embedded drivers
  • Memory handling in kernelspace
  • Understanding the situation the programmer is in when designing and implementing software in the most central parts of an operating system
  • Getting general knowledge about operating systems exemplified with the Linux kernel

Personal development

The course will mainly focus on development of work methods, creativity and responsibility for one's own learning.

Faglige forudsætninger

The course ISD1 (Interactive Systems Design) must be passed.


Klaus Kolle

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course is a combination of the following:


Self-study (self-studied literature)


Project work and presentations



Linux Device Drivers, Open Content

The latest research results are included in the course. A list of relevant papers is added to the reading list.

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Lectures 15 %

Self-study (self-studied literature) 15 %

Exercises 10 %

Project work and presentations 50 %

Preparation for the course 10 %

Required/recommended reading

A guiding curriculum list will be handed out at the beginning of the course.

IT skills

Program Level

Word/Writer Test - is able to use and test (3)

Linux C onstruct/combine - is able to structure and use, based on prerequisites and requested goals (5)

GCC Test - is able to use and test (3)

Make Test - is able to use and test (3)

Requirements for passing an examination

At the examination the mark must be 02 or above on the Danish 7-step scale.

Criteria for achieving objectives

  • The student can demonstrate adequate knowledge of an methodical and analytical approach to embedded system development
  • The student can apply theory on a concrete project
  • The student can demonstrate adequate knowledge of kernel theory
  • The student can demonstrate knowledge of kernel data structures


This course (EML1) is evaluated at an oral examination based on a project report.

One mark is given according to the Danish 7-step scale.

External examiner.