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GM CRP4 Company Related Project 4 (CU2006) ( forår 2008 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 4 th semester
  • Timer per uge: 8 hours per week. Add to this some project work.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 40 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 8204


The objective of the interdisciplinary project is:

- To provide the student with broad and practical knowledge of product development disciplines through a practical and theoretical project in the mentor company/own company or other company.

- To let the student use some of the acquired knowledge from the course GPD1 and other relevant knowledge (own search) in a problem oriented project.

- To train the student in perspectivating the acquired theoretical and/or practical knowledge in the project.

- To further strengthen the student's capabilities in project oriented teamwork in a company compared to previously project TVP1, TVP2 and CRP3.

- Furthermore to train the student in using new and previously taught working methods to describe parts of problems through analysing the problem. Subsequent the project aim is drawn up.

- To gain practical knowledge about planning and solving a defined problem within a given time period in a close and binding collaboration with the advisor, in order for the project to contain a documented and usable solution.

- To ensure that the student acquire routines with project within their field of profession.


It is a precondition for the success of the project that a close and committed cooperation between all interested parties throughout the entire project period is established. (Mentor company, Own company or other company)

The centre of GMCRP4 is a general product development task where further development of the process-related skills, work methods and practice of acquired theories are stimulated through a problem-based project.

The student will be working on a problem based project in relation to the GMGPD1 course development. The project must contain and apply in practice elements from the GMGPD1 course and other relevant scientific knowledge.

Due to CRP4 being coordinated with the GPD1 course, it is possible for student to carry out interviews with key employees of the cooperating company, collect data and carry out structured analyses and subsequently identifying the main problem in close cooperation with the advisor.

The students are to hand in a project with a clear problem statement, which through diverse analyses is answered in the following processes.

Personal development

Development of the student's independent project management skills and skills in independent learning in a problem oriented project.

Development the student's creative skill in finding the optimal solutions for the given problem - preferable in cooperation with the project company.

Faglige forudsætninger

The courses OPE1, MAN1, TVP1, TVP2 and CRP3 must have been passed by the student.

Concurrently with the course, the student must attend the courses GPD1 and GKO2


Helle Block Jessen (responsible).

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The student will be working on a problem based project in relation to the GPD1 course development. The project must contain and apply in practice elements from the GPD1 course and other relevant scientific knowledge.

The students are to hand in a project with a clear problem statement, which through diverse analyses is answered in the following processes.



Mike Baxter and Stanley Thornes: Product Design

Ulrich and Eppinger Product design and development

Tushman and Anderson Strategic Innovation - a collection of readings

Kotler/Keller - Pearson / Prentice Hall Marketing Management 12e

Arjan J. van Weele, Purchasing and supply chain management, analysis, strategy, planning and practice, fourth edition, 2005, Thomson Learning, ISBN 1-84480-024-5

Scientific based articles and notes (library, BlackBoard or handouts).

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Project-/problem-oriented teaching 70 %

Self-study 20 %

Presentation 10 %

Required/recommended reading

See "Teaching material"

IT skills

Programme Level

MS PowerPoint Test - is able to use and test (3)

MS Word C onstruct/combine - is able to structure and use, based on prerequisites and requested goals (5)

MS Excel Analyze - is able to structure and use the concept (4)

MS Project Analyze - is able to structure and use the concept (4)

Requirements for passing an examination

Minimum the grade 02 after the Danish 7 step scale

The mark must be at least 02 or above. If a student or one or more of the group gets a mark below 02, this/these group member(s) must prepare a new project.

Practical information:

Report layout, length, binder etc.

White binder incl. Title and information about the student on the front page of the project report.

To be submitted pr. student: 4 sets of reports including:

- Synopsis

- Main report incl. enclosures and appendix

- Management report

The report must not exceed 50 (incl. figures) pages excl. enclosures and appendixes for one person. With two or more persons the page number is set in corporation with the advisor.

Definition of standard page:

- Margins: Top and bottom : 2.5

Left and right: 2.5

- Font size : 12 pitch

- Spacing :

Criteria for achieving objectives

Focus at the exam will be on the solution and implementation of the project results.

Evaluation of the submitted project reports will be according to the following guidelines:

Project report

The project report is evaluated on the basis of the degree the student or students have included relevant theoretical aspects in relation to the problem to be solved. It is required that at least four scientific articles are used in project. In addition, it will be evaluated in relation to the degree in which the student or students have succeeded in communicating clearly its suggestions for solving the problem and implementing the suggestions professionally. All economic considerations must cover the total economy when implementing the suggestions.

Emphasis will also be on the student's or students' ability to work structured with a suggestion for solving the problem, incl. its ability to incorporate knowledge internally and externally in relation to the company.

Management report

The management report is evaluated on the basis of the degree to which the student or group succeeded in involving relevant aspects from the project report in order for the responsible persons of the project company to make the right decisions. The foundation must be so extensive that it is possible to establish the necessary ground for decision.

The process report

The process report is evaluated on the basis of the student or students ability to reflect on the cooperation with the company, incl. its ability to reflect on the communication with the company and the educational aspects of the cooperation. In addition, the student will be evaluated on its reflection on the project management incl. project aim, planning and follow-up.

Focus at the examination will be on the possibility of solving or implementing the result of the project.

· The student must be able to give an account of the acquired knowledge within the project by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to the subject

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach and its arguments on a literary, systematic basis

· Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach and its arguments on a not necessarily literary, systematic basis.

· In addition, the student must be able to use acquired knowledge from the GPD1 course and own acquired knowledge within the projects subject area by cumulatively to

· demonstrate adequate knowledge of single literary approaches to issues related to the project and to the use of adequate methodology for solving the problem based project

· demonstrate wider and more detailed knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the project and to the use adequate methodology for solving the problem based project

· demonstrate systematised and comparative knowledge of literary approaches to issues related to the project and to the use of adequate methodology for solving the problem based project

· discuss the strengths and weaknesses of different literary approaches for solving issues related to the project and their solution contribution in a literary way (to be able to understand, explain, analyse, use) and to the use of adequate methodology for solving the problem based project

· Think out, discuss and argue independently for different approaches to issues related to the project (to be able to reflect, put into perspective) and to the use of adequate methodology for solving the problem based project.

· Finally, the student must be able to perspectivate the acquired theoretical and/or practical knowledge in the project.

· Give an account of gained knowledge, use of knowledge and the knowledge's impact on the results in an easily understandable way. (projects validity and reliability)

· give an account of knowledge, use of knowledge and the knowledge's impact on the results in a well-structured way and with good efficiency (project validity and reliability)

· Give an account of knowledge, use of knowledge and the gained knowledge's impact on the results in a clear and explicit way. (project validity and reliability)


Oral examination based on the completed project report.

External censor

The evaluation and examination is based on the complete project report incl. the management report, process report and enclosures. It is an individual exam based on the complete project report.

If more than 1 student have worked together and created a joint project report, then the student needs to include a list stating which student have contributed with what. Maximum 2 students for one report if they are in the same mentor company.

Each student will get an individual mark according to the Danish 7-step scale.

In general the course is evaluated according to the guidelines for evaluation.