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IC Studies abroad (ss2006) ( forår 2008 - 30 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 4 th semester
  • Timer per uge: Depends on the foreign institution
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9460


The purpose of studying abroad at a foreign educational institution is for the student to increase and apply the knowledge relevant to the ICM study program. This period also aims at allowing the student to experience cultural, educational and learning situations that differ from the ones at AU-IBT.


In close collaboration with the foreign educational institution, and upon approval from the supervisor appointed by AU-IBT, the student will elect a number of relevant courses to be attended while abroad. Courses and contents depend on the offer from the foreign study programme. The academic contents of the selected courses should promote the student's development on a personal, professional and educational level. The selected courses should add up to a total of 15.0 or 30.0 ECTS.

Personal development

During the placement the student should develop the following personal competences:

· Self-confidence

· Initiative

· Communication

· Independence

· Flexibility

· Responsibility

· Self-discipline

Faglige forudsætninger

All 1 st , 2nd and 3 rd semester courses.


Britt Høj Pedersen (main responsible)

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

Depends on the foreign institution English


Depends on the foreign institution

Learning methods in % of ECTS load

Lectures 30 %

Self-study 20 %

Project work 50 %

Required/recommended reading

Depends on the foreign institution

IT skills


Requirements for passing an examination

Courses: A minimum value of 02 in compliance with the Danish 7-step grading scale.

The report: A minimum value of 02 according to the 7-step grading scale.

Criteria for achieving objectives


The assessment criteria are individually determined by the foreign educational institution.

Project report and oral defence

The marking rests mainly on the project report.

- The report should for the greater part be explanatory, analytical, assessing and argumentative. However, the report should contain a smaller part devoted to description acting as a basis for the analytical part.

- The introduction of the report should contain a well-researched problem formulation and delimitation as well as a topic structuring.

- The contents of the report should be well-established.

- The report should result in a substantiated conclusion answering the outlined problems.

- Title, problem formulation and contents should be in agreement.

- The report should be structured in a logical manner.

- The report should fulfil the formal requirements as to report writing, i.e. its notes should be consistent and the bibliography exhaustive etc.

- The language of the report should be grammatically, idiomatically and terminologically correct.

At the oral defence, the student should be able to account for, explain, analyse and evaluate the problems outlined in the report. The student should master a grammatically, idiomatically and terminologically correct language. Furthermore, the student's English pronunciation should be correct.


The evaluation of the student's study is based on passing marks from the courses attended at the foreign educational institution with a minimum value of 02 in compliance with the Danish 7-step grading scale and a written report which conforms to the guidelines available under the Studies abroad report heading .

The student has to hand in the report in 2 copies: One for the supervisor and one for AU-IBT. The supervisor evaluates the report.

Studies abroad report


The choice of subject is free provided that it is accepted by the supervisor and is relevant to the contents of the ICM study programme. The supervisor is also free to suggest a subject to the student(s).


All relevant material.

Student contribution

The students are given the choice between working individually or as a group (maximum number of students in a group: 4). All the students in the group will contribute to the report. Individually written papers should cover between 10-15 pages (1800 characters per page), group papers should not exceed 35 pages and each student's contribution should be clearly identifiable.

Following a whole semester abroad

Students who choose to follow courses abroad for a total value of 30.0 ECTS or more will be exempted from writing the studies abroad report. For this exemption to take effect, passing marks are required in all the courses followed.