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Se Studieordning for Bacheloruddannelsen, 2007 på
The scope of this seminar is within the field of cognitive psychology with focus on autobiographical memory and related themes (e.g. traumas and identity). Memory and motivation will be studied separately as well as the interaction between the two elements will be explored.
Autobiographical memories are recollections of events and experiences in a persons life, but why are not all events remembered equally well and for the same amount of time? Motivation can be defined as an active striving towards a specific conscious goal, but can motivation be measured, and does being motivated for something also influence a persons memory?
The seminar will contain both a theoretical and an empirical view on memory and motivation. Guidance in reading scientific articles and discussing strengths and weaknesses of research methods based on the articles from the curriculum will be part of the course
The seminar is meant for students who have a general interest in autobiographical memory and motivation.
Literature and program will be handed out on the first day of the seminar.
Forudsætningen for at kunne tilmelde sig et opgaveseminar i et semester er, at den studerende har bestået eller har mulighed for at bestå alle øvrige fag på bacheloruddannelsen og dermed afslutte bacheloruddannelsen.
Onsdag 13-16, lokale 225, bygning 1481.
Første gang: 13. februar 2008.
Udbydes derudover som fordybelsesaktivitet for udvekslingsstuderende. Udvekslingsstuderende har fortrinsret.
Såfremt ingen udvekslingsstuderende tilmeldes holdet vil undervisningen foregå på dansk.
Der gives BAC vejledning til maksimalt 6 studerende.
Deltagelse: 80% tilstedeværelse og aktiv deltagelse. 1-2 oplæg.