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Elective subject: Europe and the World in Literature and Art ( forår 2008 )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: (se under Undervisnings- og arbejdsform)
  • Niveau: Kandidat
  • Semester/kvarter: Spring 2008
  • Timer per uge: The course will be organized in three (or four) workshops of 2-3 days, consisting of lectures, group work, and web-based communication. Preliminary dates: 14. - 16. February(Aarhus), 14. - 16. March (Aarhus), 17. - 19. April (?), 26. - 28. May (Leuven)
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 12 fra hvert deltagende universitet
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Humanistiske Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 9965



Europe is constituted as a place and a discourse. The pivotal aspect is the relation between Europe and the world around it which today places globalization at the centre of attention. The complex connection between place and discourse is reflected in, as well as shaped by, art and literature and by discourses and practices related to art and literature such as criticism, teaching curricula, canonization, etc. The course will develop this problematic from two perspectives: Europe of colonial empires with a nation state at the centre and Europe in an era of globalized culture. The core material will consist of literary texts, art, and criticism, and will be framed by historical, theoretical, and methodological readings.


The course is a cooperation between the Institute of Aesthetic Studies , Aarhus (Prof. Svend Erik Larsen ) and the Centre for European Studies, K.U. Leuven (Prof. Theo D'haen). The course is open to graduate students (MA or PhD) enrolled in Humanities Departments in each university. The working language is English. Further universities may be associated.



For the sake of internationalization and a true 'mingling of minds', every effort will be taken to ensure that the two last workshops are joined and placed at the participating universities in turn. Students must be prepared for some expenditures for the seminar at partner universities, but we will ensure they are reduced to a minimum. In each university supplementary supervision and lectures may be arranged.


The three basic workshops with two joined workshops will take place from late February and separated by minimum three weeks. The exact schedule will appear during Fall 2007 and no later than beginning of January 2008.


Workshop 1 will be taught by the local teacher and will concentrate on historical and methodological issues. Workshop 2 and workshop 3 concerned with colonial/post-colonial and the global perspectives will be taught by prof. Theo D'haen and by prof. Svend Erik Larsen. If more universities are involved other teachers may be added. Visiting lecturers on specific topics will be invited.

Faglige forudsætninger


Svend Erik Larsen, (AU), Theo d'Haen (Leuven) m.fl.

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

The course will be organized in three workshops of three to four days, consisting of lectures, group work, and web-based communication. Shared course material will be available before the course together with a list of shared reading requirements. Material is supposed to be fully read between the workshops as preparation for the workshops.



Foreløbige datoer:

1. sem. ved AU for AU-studerende: 14-15-16 febr. (to-lø)

2. sem. ved AU for alle studerende: 14-15-16 marts (to-lø) (eller 13-14-15 det er før palmesøndag)

3. sem. ved UCL for alle studerende: 17-18-19 april (to-lø) - evt.

4. sem. i Leuven for alle studerende: 26-27-28 maj (ma-on)


Undervisning på AU:

Torsdag d. 14/2: kl. 8-17 (lokale 118)

Fredag d. 15/2 + lørdag d. 16/2: kl. 8-17 (lokale 118)

Torsdag d. 13/3: kl. 8-17 (lokale 124)

Fredag d. 14/3: kl. 8-17 (lokale 124)



Beck, Ulrich: What is Globalization? London : Polity, 2000

Beck, Ulrich: Cosmopolitan Vision . London : Polity, 2006

Boehmer, Elleke: Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature . Oxford : Oxford UP, 1995

Chakrabarty, Dipesh: Provincializing Europe . Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference . Princeton: Princeton UP, 2000

Damrosch, David: What is world literature . Princeton: Princeton UP, 2003

Ette, Ottmar : Literatur in Bewegung. Raum und Dynamik grenzüberschreitende Schreibens in Europa und Amerika. Weileriswist : Velbrück Weissenschaft, 2001

Fendler, Susanne & Ruth Wittlinger, eds.: The Idea of Europe in Literature, London : Macmillan, 1999

Lechner, Frank J.: The Globalization reader . 2 nd ed. Oxford : Blackwell, 2004

Pagden, Anthony: The Idea of Europe: From Antiquity to the European Union , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002

Rietbergen, Peter: Europe : A Cultural History , London and New York  : Routledge, 1998

Steger, Manfred: Globlization. A very short introduction. Oxford : Oxford UP, 2003

Tomlinson, John: Globalization and Culture . London : Polity, 1999

Travers, Martin: An introduction to Modern European literature: from romanticism to postmodernism , London : Macmillan, 1998


10 (20)


10 ECTS : 3 written synopses and a paper of 5 pp. and active participation as defined in the course description

20 ECTS : Students who wish to earn 20 ECTS from this course are given the opportunity to write an additional essay of max. 18 pp with a subsequent 20 min. oral exam.