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AU kursuskatalog arkiv

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Analyse og management af agroøkosystemer på regionalt niveau ( forår 2009 - 15 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk (eller dansk)
  • Niveau: Graduate course, obligatory
  • Semester/kvarter: 2nd semester / 1st and 2nd quarter
  • Timer per uge: 4-8 lectures/exercises per week. Required programme: Participation in exercises and project-based group work. Field trips.
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 24.
  • Undervisningssted: Århus
  • Hovedområde: Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 11985


To give the students a theoretical and practical insight into themes and data stored in Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and national monitoring databases as used for conducting a pressure impact analysis of the pollution of surface waters under the EU Water Framework Directive at catchment or regional scale. This includes the assessment of landscape level interactions between agricultural production, various types of nutrient losses, and the ecological effects. The students will gain theoretical and practical insight into the function and application of different hydrological and nutrient models that can be applied as tools for analysing the present state of the terrestrial and aquatic environment within Danish catchments and regions. In addition, parallels to selected examples from other EU countries will be drawn. The students will gain theoretical and practical insight into the methods used to assess ecological conditions in surface waters, the main pressures on surface waters and simple relationships between abiotic variables and biotic indicators. The students will also gain theoretical and practical insight into the content of a suite of mitigation measures that can be adopted in river basin management plans for establishing good ecological conditions in the aquatic environment.


  • Theoretical and practical insight into information stored in GIS used for analysis of nutrient cycling (loss, transport and retention) from fields to surface waters. Understanding of the importance of scale in environmental analyses.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into the cycling of nutrients in air, soil and water covering monitoring methods, monitoring design, transport calculation of matter and methods used for source apportionment.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into different methods applied for analysis of catchment hydrology.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into different models (empirical ; process driven) applied for analysis of cycling of nutrients in catchments; covering emissions, transport, diffusion, input and output from agricultural production, and the deposition and retention in air, soil and water.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into tools applied for a risk analysis of soil and nutrient losses from agricultural production systems to the environment, focusing on the losses to surface waters.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into the development of river basin management plans utilising and implementing a suite of mitigation measures including both changes in agricultural practices, changes in land use and nature restoration (buffer strips, river restoration, wetlands. etc.).
  • Theoretical insight into considering socio-economic solutions when minimizing the pressure of agricultural production on the terrestrial and aquatic environment.
  • Theoretical insight into the pressure, state and impact on the ecological conditions in the aquatic environment.
  • Theoretical and practical insight into methods and tools used for assessment of the ecological quality of the aquatic environment.


The students will be introduced to relevant information stored in GIS that are needed as basic input data for agro-ecosystem analysis at the regional and catchment scale. The students will be taught the theoretical background and application of different key models. Such models are today essential for agricultural pressure-impact analyses with respect to the terrestrial and aquatic environment. The relevance of scale in the analyses concepts will be discussed. The students will be introduced to a catalogue of mitigation measures available for use to river basin managers that are to establish good ecological quality in surface waters according to the WFD. The students will gain insight into both direct and indirect effects of the different mitigation options, their socio-economic costs and their possible implementation under different physiographic and agricultural conditions. The students will also be introduced to the methods used for monitoring and analysing the ecological conditions in surface waters, learn about the most important links between abiotic and biotic conditions and learn about the pressures on fauna and flora in freshwater bodies and the possible ecological responses to changes in pressures.


The course will start with a theoretical introduction to the different GIS data used in a pressureimpact analyses followed by a theoretical introduction to a suite of different models (empirical, deterministic and process oriented) that can be applied for analysing the hydrology and nutrient cycling at catchments and regional scale.

The students will gain practical insight into and experience with different models by applying them to real life catchments. The students will be working in project groups utilising existing data from various databases. The project groups will be trained in how they can perform a catchment analysis of hydrology and nutrient cycling utilising a combination of GIS data, monitoring data and models. Each project group will as part of the course conduct an exercise where they conduct a pressure-impact analysis of a chosen river basin and develop a proposal for a river basin management plan for the catchment dosing different mitigation options to finally obtain a good ecological quality in surface waters. Each project group shall deliver a 5 ECTS report on their combined results of the catchment analysis including an analysis of the costs of the chosen management plan, the direct and indirect effects and the presumed ecological responses in the surface waters.

Faglige forudsætninger

  • Basic and practical knowledge on how to utilise GIS (for example from the GIS-course for biologists, or from the Agriculture and Environment course included in the AU-DJF Baclelor education in Agricultural Sciences).
  • Basic theme course in Nutrient cycling and environmental effects, and/or Landscape Ecology and Biodiversity.
  • Bachelor degree in biology, geology, geography, agriculture or similar. Students not having a Bachelor s degree in agriculture are recommended to take one of the "Basic Theme Courses" from the Master s degree programme in AgroEnvironmental Management, i.e. the course "Nutrient Cycling and Management" and/or "Landscape Ecology and Biodiversity"; or at least take two of the courses of the course package "Agriculture and Environment" offered to undergraduate students of Biology and Agricultural Sciences at AU or equivalent.


Course managers: Brian Kronvang, research professor, AU-NERI (The National Environmental Research Institute) and Tommy Dalgaard, head of research unit, AU-DJF. Experts from AU-NERI and AU-DJF will conduct the teaching.

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform

A combination of theoretical lectures, practical exercises with data and models on two study catchments, field excursions and a project seminar in groups conducting a catchment analysis.

English/Danish, depending on international participation.


The EU Water Framework Directive and part of some of the guidance documemts from EU on the Water Framework Directive.

A few chapters from the book ' Agriculture, Hydrology and Water Quality - .Edited by P.M. Haygarth and S. C. Jarvis - CABI Publishing.

Chapter 30 og 31 from the book *Phosphorus: Agriculture and the Environment' - Agrconomy Monographs No. 46.

Odense Pilot River Basin - Pilot project for river basin management planning - Water Framework Directive Article 13, Danish Ministry of the Environment, Environment Centre Odense, 123 pp.

The NAM manual - a precipitation-runoff model.

Andersen and Kronvang (2005) ‘MODIFYING AND EVALUATING A P INDEX FOR DENMARK, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution (2006) 174: 341-353

Kronvang et al. (2005): 'Nutrient pressures and ecological responses to nutrient loading reductions in Danish streams, lakes and coastal waters' Journal of Hydrology, 274-288.

Baattrup-Pedersen et al. (2008): Can a priori defined reference criteria be used to select reference sites in Danish streams? Implications for implementing the Water Framework Directive. Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Kronvang, B., Bechman, M., Lundekvam, H., Behrendt, H., Rubæk, G.H., Schoumans, O.F., Syversen, N., Andersen, H.E. & Hoffmann, C.C. 2005: Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Areas in River Basins: Effects and Uncertainties of Targeted Mitigation Measures. - Journal of Environmental Quality 34: 2129-2144

A number of other research papers concerning hydrological and nutrient modelling and implementation of river basin management plans (e.g. a special issue of Journal of Environmental Monitoring coming up soon).


Studieordning og bedømmelse

Kandidatuddannelsen i jordbrug, natur og miljø

  • Mundtlig, bedømt efter 7-skala med ekstern censur

Oral examination based on a project report (weighting two third) and the curriculum (weighing one third) will be assessed jointly, using the Danish 7-point grading scale. The examination lasts 30 minutes. Students may choose to be axamined in either Danish or English. External examiner.