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IC MP2 Media Production II ( forår 2009 - 10 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: engelsk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 2 nd semester
  • Timer per uge: 5 hours
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: 20 - 25 students
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 15657



  • To provide the students with an introduction to the basic theory behind shooting, editing and distributing professional digital pictures.
  • To give the students an introduction to the use of digital photography in web design.
  • To give the students an introduction to the use of animation in web design.
  • To provide the students with the technical knowledge to generate animations for use on websites.
  • To provide the students with the necessary knowledge to evaluate the needs of customers in relation to the use and implementation of digital images and animations in websites.
  • To give the students the necessary technical and artistic knowledge to plan, design and develop digital images and layouts for websites using Photoshop latest version.
  • To give the students the necessary technical and artistic knowledge to plan, design and develop non-interactive Flash-based elements for websites.
  • To give the students a general introduction to the combination of XHTML, CSS, digital images and Flash elements on a website.



The overall subject area can be described as:

  • Introduction to basic theory behind digital photography (compositional issues, aesthetics, digital darkroom, photographic styles etc) .
  • Optimization of images for the web and for print
  • Adobe Photoshop techniques (latest version)
    • Photo re-touching techniques
    • Composite image techniques (montages)
    • Image correction techniques
    • Etc...
  • Non -interactive animations for the web and inclusions on XHTML-based websites.
  • Plan, design and development of website layouts using Adobe Photoshop latest edition.
  • Plan, design and development of basic animated elements using Adobe Flash latest edition.
  • Different techniques for using images in XHTML and CSS
  • Documenting images, animations and website in a Design manual - including e.g.:
    Normal documentation of a website, technical descriptions of image data, story boards for animations, technical information about animations and other documentation relevant to the completed task.

Maintenance plan

Faglige forudsætninger

Media Production I


Andreas Kure Thorngreen

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


Students work individually with subjects covered by teacher in class lectures and demonstrations. Students work with exercises and receive feedback from teacher and other students on their work. The student will work in teams on a project for the evaluation.




Books within the subjects

Relevant articles and web pages

Material handed out via Blackboard

All covered materials.

Studieordning og bedømmelse

BA i international communication and multimedia

  • ingen eksamen, bedømt efter 7-skala med intern censur

Assessment - Full time students

(students following all or several subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)
The examination for this course consists of a Semester Case Project assigned to the groups by AU-IBT. The Semester Case Project is interdisciplinary and reference is made to the Semester project and evaluation guideline (2 nd semester ICM). It includes:

•1)      Producing a website for the given task

•2)      Producing an animated presentation for the website

•3)      Producing a personal digital image portfolio

•4)      Project report - contribution

•5)      Evaluation

See descriptions below

Assessment - Exchange students
(students not  following all subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)
The examination for this course consists of a Case Project assigned to groups or individual students by AU-IBT (depending on amount of exchange students). It includes:

•1)      Producing a website for the given task

•2)      Producing an animated presentation for the website

•3)      Producing a personal digital image portfolio

•4)      Project report

•5)      Evaluation

See descriptions below

•1)      Producing a website for the given task

Each group has to develop a valid XHTML website with the following characteristics:

  • English version of the website (if relevant a Danish [1] language version should also be made - there should be a choice of language version from the homepage).
  • The website should meet the customers needs and requirements within reasonable.
  • Presentation of the company and its products/services.
  • The layout for the site should be made in Photoshop.
  • The site should contain different kinds of images such as photographs, image composites, graphics etc.
  • The website must contain valid XHTML code and use external CSS




•2)      Producing an animated presentation for the website

Each group has to develop a non-interactive Flash-based animated presentation that should be included on the website with the following characteristics:

  • Same language versions as the website.
  • The presentation should serve as an appetizer for the products/services offered by the project case company and should be inserted/used somewhere on the website.
  • The minimum length of the animation is approx. 15 seconds and it should loop.
  • The presentation's file size should be optimized for use on a website.




•3)      Producing a personal digital image portfolio

Each student has to individually create a digital image portfolio containing at least 10 pictures. The types of pictures in the portfolio should be diversified: corrected images, Photoshop graphics, image composites, photographs taken etc. The portfolio should also contain an equal weight of low resolution (web) and high resolution (print) pictures prepared for digital and print use.

The images have to be presented in their digital and printed formats (low quality print). The image portfolio should be documented with its own Design manual with technical descriptions of each image as exemplified below:  


Technical description of the images - exemplified:

  • o Name of the photographer
  • o Title of the image
  • o Date of shooting (optional)
  • o Camera used (optional)
  • o Photography techniques (optional)
  • o File name
  • o File size
  • o File resolution
  • o Color mode
  • o Intended purpose
  • o Editing process (tools and filters)

•4)      Project report

Contribution to project report (Full time students)

(students following all or several  subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)

The report should include, but is not limited to include:

  • Design considerations and purpose of the different material
  • A technical description of the project based on theory (tools and techniques used).
  • Maintenance plan.
  • All files in original and release-ready format must be handed in on a CD-ROM.
  • Design Manual in appendix: The Design manual should contain any relevant documentation needed according to the task in order for another design team to immediately take over the project without further information - such as storyboards, layout sketches, XHTML code, CSS code, documentation of validation, technical description of data for each image used for the project as exemplified above, print out of Photoshop layout, technical information about animations. XHTML code, CSS code and validation documentation can be delivered in digital form as 1 Word document in a print-ready format on the CD-ROM.



Written project report (Exchange students)

(students not following all subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)

The report should include, but is not limited to include:

  • General description of the customer + the needs and requirements of the task
  • Design considerations and purpose of the different material
  • A technical description of the project based on theory (tools and techniques used).
  • Maintenance plan.
  • All files in original and release-ready format must be handed in on a CD-ROM.
  • Design Manual in appendix: The Design manual should contain any relevant documentation needed according to the task in order for another design team to immediately take over the project without further information - such as storyboards, layout sketches, XHTML code, CSS code, documentation of validation, technical description of each image used for the project as exemplified above, print out of Photoshop layout, technical information about animations. XHTML code, CSS code and validation documentation can be delivered in digital form as 1 Word document in a print-ready format on the CD-ROM .

•5)      Evaluation

Evaluation - Full time students

(students following all or several subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)

  • a. Individual approval of the Digital Image Portfolio by the teacher to gain access to the Project Examination
  • b. Semester Project Examination:

The evaluation for this course consists of a written project report and an oral examination according to the Semester project and evaluation definition (2 nd semester ICM).

Evaluation - Exchange students

(students not following all subjects related to the interdisciplinary semester project)

  • a. Individual approval of the Digital Image Portfolio by the teacher to gain access to the Project Examination

b.       Project Examination

  • a. A 5-minute group presentation of the project (only if project is made in a group)
  • b. A 10-minute individual oral examination in English concerning the contents of the project and the course curricula.

[1] The Danish version can be replaced with another language version upon approval from AU-IBT.