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U LOOP6 Thesis (CU2006) ( forår 2009 - 15 ECTS )

Rammer for udbud

  • Uddannelsessprog: dansk
  • Niveau: Bachelor
  • Semester/kvarter: 6 th semester
  • Timer per uge: (26 weeks) 37 hours
  • Deltagerbegrænsning: None
  • Undervisningssted: Herning
  • Hovedområde: Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
  • Udbud ID: 16383


Aim of the bachelor project:

This thesis is the final project before specialization and the student can choose any subject within the framework of the Business Development Engineer study programme. Typical subjects could be:

  • Development of business concept and business plan for an existing company or the students own company.
  • Market analysis and Marketing Plan for a new product or market segment.
  • Supplier or Customer Relation Management.
  • Corporate Strategy.
  • Analysis of motivation and leadership within the organization. Human Resource Management.
  • Innovation and design of products, services and business processes within the company.
  • Product development.

A successful project would include the follow subjects:

  • Verification, that the concept can be implemented. Such a verification comes from the companies acceptance of the solution and a thorough documentation in the report.
  • The concept has a long-term sustainability, meaning that the focus is not narrowed to one product, market or business process, but that the product, segment or business process can be expanded over time.
  • The concept is difficult to copy for the competitors due to unique business processes, ownership to technologies and distribution channels, brand and image or simply a unique product.
  • The concept is innovative.

The aim of the project is therefore to test most of the professional and personal skills acquired during the bachelor study in a real and complex company project. Special emphasis is put on the capability to independently identify, collect and apply new and innovative knowledge.

Establishment of teams and project:

Before the start of the semester all groups and project must be formed and approved by the semester administrator.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

That the students can supply their knowledge about personal and social competencies according to individual choices.

Recapitulation of the theoretical elements included in the course together with additional requests from the students.


  • Planning of career
  • Management
  • Intercultural understanding
  • Subjects proposed by the students



Required documents and reports:

Problem formulation and project plan after 4 weeks. Concept idea after 2 months.

The report consists of: An executive report. A main thesis report with appendices. A process report. The report and CD must be in submitted in two copies.

The student is urged to make the report communicative in terms of text, layout, colours, photos, pictures, tables, diagrams, graphs and video clips. Pay attention to sources and references.

The executive report should typically contain:

  • The task
  • The solution
  • Budgets for investment, implementation, operations and financing.
  • Uncertainties and risk.

The main thesis should typically contain:

  • Title page
  • Abstract: Resume of the problem and the result
  • Contents list
  • Acknowledgements
  • Introduction: Introduction to the problem and motivation for the analysis. Typically in the form of Story Telling moving from the general present situation to a number of focus points of interests.
  • The Problem Statement: Three possibilities: Main question and sub questions, Formulation of hypothesis or Task statement. Goal for solution.
  • Methodology: Blackboard contains a comprehensive description of theory and expectations.
  • Models and Theory. Survey, comparison and critical assessment of theory in order to formulate own model adapted to the task. The team is expected to find models on their own through scientific articles and compare them with existing models from the BDE education in order to develop a suitable model adapted to the problem at hand.
  • Analysis: Application of models to the task. Gathering information. Empery and Field Experiments. Interpreting results. Recommended solution
  • Critical assessment of result, uncertainty, risk and further work
  • Conclusion.
  • Bibliography: Reference to literature
  • Appendix

The Process Report should typically contain:

  • Reflection on group processes, motivation, solving conflicts, cooperation within the group
  • Reflection on the cooperation with the company. Did the group adapt to the culture, behaviour and fundamental beliefs of the company in order to break down the barriers and obtain information.
  • Reflection of learning: Was it useful. Did you independently of your supervisor collect new knowledge beyond the curriculum.
  • Reflection on planning and managing the process
  • Reflection on networking and collecting information: Was the network large enough and did you interview the appropriate knowledge persons. What persons were in your network.. Did you collect enough useful information

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

The course provides the students with different perspectives on personal and social competencies .

The collecting or supplementation of new as well as already taught theories about personal competencies must relate to the semester's LOOP project.

Personlig udvikling

LOOP 6:  

  • Training of communicative skills in connection with networking.
  • Training of the skills to handle complicates tasks.
  • Training of independence, responsibility and creativeness.
  • Training of corporation in teams.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

Skills such as being able to communicate, engage and motivate others are prerequisites for being able to assert yourself as manager in a company and for having good relations and for problem solving in your everyday life.

Faglige forudsætninger

The student must have passed the preceding semesters. Generally the student should master the following disciplines: Marketing Management. Supplier Management. Network and Relationships. Development of Corporate Strategy and Organization. Management and Leadership. budgeting and financial analysis. Innovation and design. Product development.


Can be disclosed on inquiry

Undervisnings- og arbejdsform


Teamwork and independently information acquiring.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

Active working methods involving all the students. The course is based on lectures, personal decision, practicing, reflection and dialogue.




The student is responsible for gathering and using relevant literature for the thesis.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

To be announced by the teacher.

Læringsmetoder i %

Project work                                               90 %

Teaching (the whole class)                        10 %



Parallel to the LOOP6, the course cultural understanding is being taught as well.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

Depending on circumstances in connection with literature and research articles.




LOOP 6:   

Graduation at the mark 02 or above.


Kriterier for målopnåelse


Success criteria according to the 7-step scale:

Report and oral presentation:

  • A good and convincing presentation in the report followed by an oral presentation of the work and knowledge, demonstrating an understanding of the interests of company and stakeholders.
  • Making a well structured, solid and realistic report to the management of the company, documenting the innovation ability and sense of business.
  • Communication in report and oral presentation through the use of interactive PowerPoint, tables, graphs, figures, photos, animations, computer simulations, video clip, self fabricated video clip, acting and prototypes.
  • The report must be written with few grammatical errors and in an easily understandable language without long sentences which could be better illustrated through graphical/visual means.
  • The oral presentation must contain substantial elements of exemplification, assessment and perspectives.


  • Explain and account for relevant models and theory that supports the analysis in the project.
  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding for suitable models and theories, so that the application of models and theories becomes the guidelines and tools for structure, data acquisition, data analysis and the development of a project solution.
  • Demonstrate the team's ability to start, manage and terminate a project. The ability to use the team's resources optimal and to reflect upon the group process during the project.
  • Conduct detailed analysis that insures that the solution is technological feasible, that there is an adequate and ready market, that the organizational structure of the company can sustain the solution and the project can be carried through at reasonable investments.
  • Demonstrate the ability to find and combine new and innovative knowledge beyond the subject of the courses through e.g. information from suppliers, the company, specialists from scientific communities, external experts, the Internet, scientific textbooks, scientific articles, trade fairs, brochures, focus groups, observations etc.
  • Give an account of the applicability of models and theories in relation to the practical issues of the loop. Furthermore a discussion for the strengths and weaknesses of each individual approach must be demonstrated.
  • When estimating the solution the following must be observed: The degree of difficulty of imitation for competitors together with the degree of possible market and product expansion and service add-ons.

Finances in connection with the company projects:

The project group are responsible for agreeing on the financial framework of the project; this applies both to scale in the form of a budget and documentation requirements for expenses defrayed. Although the budget has been approved, the project group must ALWAYS seek approval from the commissioned party BEFORE defrayment of the expenses.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation




Oral examination based on the report.

  • 15 minutes of presentation
  • 45 minutes of discussion between group, company, supervisor and examiner. Focus on the result and the risks and implementation. Remember to invite the company
  • 15 minutes of individual examination for each group member. Focus on methodology, theory, analysis and process.

The mark is a combination of the report and the oral examination. Mark according to the 7-step scale. External examiner. Graduation at the mark 02 or above.

Sub-course: Personal and Social Competencies - recapitulation

Active participation in the course - attendance up to 80 %

In order for the students to attend the exam in the course ULOOP6, the sub-course Personal and Social Competencies must be passed.